3 am calling

6 1 0

it was the muffled voices that silenced the slumber.
those words unidentifiable to the ear, stopping the on coming wave of goodnight.
everything was dark, but the everything about the dark was so loud.
ears bursting out into the open, eyes peeled back and shown the shadows.
truly scary corners coming to life as the sentences build themselves up in the air.
shakey reflections finding themselves lost within the cases of window screens and platform screams.
they make out for a quick hush in the quiet of a summer blowing fan.
the silhouettes sitting, creeping just outside the blinds of hidden phrases.
voices gone inside the walls of wrinkles too dark.
the mind was hazy tonight.

May 17th, 2020

lack ofOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz