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tranquility in nature, yet promiscuous in decisions.
what could it be?
creaky in every single footstep.
sirens in every single street scream.
a walk in the park could be as cold as ever.
never underestimate the power of a breeze.
flying past in colors, and windy as the flag up there.
calm in nature, yet breaking with every choice.
a decision could not be made, battle to comence.
sitting in the pantry as if a chair could fit.
it's not walk-in.
you must call in for an apointment.
scheduled anywhere but pluto.
that's just a star, and those are dangerous.
a small noise to be heard with everything that drops.
an eye gets pulled out the skull, yet calm waves wash over the target.
deep in the head space, where the brain is located, you shall find the creaky floors.
it's as if the ground being stood on was simply made up,
simply only something for the mind to hold.
simply unsimple as complex as those wrinkles can be.
not something to just draw with easy hand motions.
there's more to it than folds.
there's more to it than a piece of cloth suffocating the mouth.
screams are heard in the street, yet no one responds.
there's more than a mask over the mind.
more than clouds in the sky.
peace could be an option, but with tranquility comes death.
with the space around comes breaks in the suface.
and suddenly nothing is real.
what could it be but nothing at all?

January 14th, 2020

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