the lake isn't real

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i can tell you very clearly that there has never been water here.
you know, here in this ditch.
there are no signs of any erosion or crumbling rocks.
it is also clear that the rich green leaves have no water.
do tell, the story of the sun eating the pure.
the story so magnificent that the moon ran away.
the tale of the lake haunting this place.
this ditch has forever been empty, but now it starts to rain.
yet the water fulfills nothing.
do tell the story of the ground crumbling away and molten rock coming to rise up.
do tell, the story of this land becoming prosperous.
fiction always fills people's hearts with hope.
it's drizzling but a storm is to come.
who knows how many years it has been.
it's as clear as the water not existing.
this barren land to forever hold its angry peace,
and to never cry or spout any tears.
to never sprout any trees.
what a pitiful life.
yet this land is where i lay my head.
to forever rest in this empty lake.
to forever connect with dry pebbles.
to forever have drizzling rain splash in my eyes.

January 21st, 2020

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