What Kind of Friend Are You?

Start from the beginning

Nancy Drew: gotcha.jpg

Nancy Drew: Well would you look at what we found? Quite a hefty collection of spray paints you got there Levi.

Levi: ....

MC: Im gonna eat my own foot what th fuc k

MC: How can this bumbling fool in an anime girl mask be a human rights vigilante

Levi: bumbling fool huh...

Mammon: im unable to process this

Nancy Drew: There's more

Nancy Drew: Let's talk about the initials L.S

Levi: ohnononononono

Nancy Drew: Levi doesn't have an S anywhere in his name, so where could it come from? As a matter of fact, let's go even further. What could cause our straight laced Levi to go down this path of crime?

Levi: Wait stop I'll take the full blame just stop

Nancy Drew: Only one version of events is ever true!

Nancy Drew: Sorry Levi, but I cannot allow the truth to remain hidden.

Nancy Drew: We've been noticing some things out of the ordinary these past weeks, haven't we?

MC: ???

Beel: Solomon.

Nancy Drew: Correct. Ever since his fall out with Asmo, Solomon has been acting rather strange as of late.

Nancy Drew: Levi is fairly close with him; we can infer he's been helping him through his heartbreak. We can also infer from his erratic behavior that he's prone to rash actions.

MC: So what you're telling me here is

MC: Levi became a criminal just to help Solomon blow off steam?

Nancy Drew: That's the gist of it.

MC: Leviiiiiiiiiii

MC: I am at a loss for words for how much I adore you rn

Levi: huh?

MC: You risked getting put in jail bc you're a good friend, and you made some really cool art together in the process

MC: I can't believe you could be so bold!! I'm so impressed!!!!!

Mammon: not bad levi

Levi: No, that isnt true.

Levi: I've been doing this to pull Solomon out of his slump, and other methods too,

Levi: But no matter what I try, I'm too useless to get him back to normal.

Beel: I don't think its a matter of being useless

MC: I agree, you most definitely haven't been useless Levi

MC: If anything, I really should've been more adamant in getting Asmo to make up with him

Mammon: you really think thatll fix him MC?

MC: No. But it'll be a start

MC: This has gone on long enough. I'll get them to talk

DM: MC & Asmo

MC: Solomon is committing crimes now.

Asmo: What?

MC: You know that graffiti artist everyone is talking about?

MC: It's him.

Asmo: Huh. Good for him

MC: No As, it's not good at all

MC: Ever since your fall out with him he's been acting weird

MC: And now I find out he's a petty criminal

Asmo: You're blaming me?

MC: Cut the bullshit

MC: You flirt with him for months and gush over him in our chat only to cut contact with him? And act like nothing happened? What kind of friend are you?

Asmo: He cut contact with ME. I'm not the one who needs an intervention sweetie. Don't pick a fight with me over spilled milk. It's not even your dirty laundry

MC: No, it's not. And yet, I'm so angry and hurt for Solomon. You drew a line and said you weren't looking for anything serious, I know that. But how could you just leave him like that Asmo? Just give a nonchalant text about how he shouldn't think he's special?

MC: How could you be so heartless?

Asmo: It's simple, really. I don't owe anyone my time. It may seem heartless, but why would I do anything that just drags me down?

MC: Are you joking with me?

MC: You said yourself that you were really into him. How can you do that to the guy you like?

MC: I think you just wanted to hurt him before he hurt you.

Asmo: Watch it.

MC: You can't be held accountable for someone else, but fucks sake, why couldn't you be more compassionate? He was your friend. He didn't get close to you with ulterior motives. He just liked you, and would've been fine as strictly friends

MC: Honestly Asmo, these past few weeks I've been reevaluating my friendship with you because of this. If this is how you treat someone you liked, then I'm scared to see what you'd do to me.

Asmo: You can't be serious.

MC: I am

Asmo: MC, you're such an important person to me. I don't ever want to lose you. I wouldn't do anything to purposefully hurt you.

Asmo: I really think you're overthinking this situation. I didn't hurt Solomon because I wanted to. I'm not a sadist.

MC: Maybe I am overthinking it! But it doesn't matter. I can't ignore the fact you had no empathy. Watching him get cut out of your life so easily made me sick to my stomach.

Asmo: Is that not normal? Cutting contact when things are too one-sided?

MC: Does it matter if it is or isn't? Normal things can still be messed up

Asmo: That's a fair point.

MC: Asmo please, talk to him for me. The rest of us hate seeing him this way. If you won't do it for his sake, do it for me

Asmo: You've got quite a manipulative way with words MC

Asmo: ...But, I guess I have to admit you're right

Asmo: I know I can be self-absorbed, but I didn't acknowledge it as a fault since I don't care about other people outside our group.

Asmo: I know I need to work on it, and I promise I'll start by talking to Solomon

MC: I'm rooting for you

Asmo: I do have one more thing to clarify. I'm a little ticked you think I rejected him because I didn't want to get hurt. Don't assume people have to have hidden insecurities and faults just because they're not interested in dating. That's not ok

MC: I understand. I'm sorry. I was caught up in the moment.

Asmo: Yeah, I know that feeling all too well. All is forgiven

MC: <3 Good luck

Asmo: <3

DM: Asmo & Solomon

Asmo: Hey

Solomon is typing...

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