Chapter 67 - The Beast Within

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Chapter 67

The Beast Within

Waking from a stir, Nomasaki budged within the bed in refusal to rise at a reasonable hour.

Just a few more minutes, she plead internally – daylight trying to make its way into her shut eyes as she tossed within the sheets in hiding. Beside her, the bed was empty. Only scarce grains of sand dotted where Gaara lay the night before, his side of the bed tidied slightly, pillow and all. Although she had the day off, she did not take kindly to waking earlier than necessary. She relished in a good night's sleep and her sleep schedule had never been one to stay regulated. Thanks to cutting back on assignments, she was able to enjoy more rest – unless Gaara's insomnia needed company. Lately, however, she had become increasingly restless since the messenger showed up at their residence only nights ago. She felt an emotional change come over her, sweeping her into a whirlwind of anxiety and dread. Sleeping it off was her main concern.

Pulling herself up with a stretch, her fanged yawn tinged a muscle in her abdomen. Clutching her stomach, she winced in silence as she heaved upon the bed in a sudden wave of pain. Peculiar. Bringing herself to check, she slowly moved the sheets from her lap. Dismayed, she saw the clear bright red signal of her monthly visitor sprawled under her.

It came late – but nonetheless still showed up.

Of all times to make an appearance, the gods of the desert were playing with her. Although thankful she would not bear the council any heirs for Gaara in the near future, she was disgruntled by its surprise arrival. Growling under her breath, she promptly hopped off the mattress, straightening her silken robe as she dressed and pulled the inner dressings of the bed off into the laundry basket.

Hopefully Gaara won't see the bedsheets... or else he would be horrified, she thought to herself.

Having only scarcely interacted with women his entire life, the notion of any bodily function still made him uncomfortable and awkwardly silent. For the first time, she was glad that doing the laundry was her task.

Sitting across from him at the table, she averted her eyes to her lap that morning.

Feeling the discomfort of her abdomen soured her day. Although it was an easy clean-up, she thought of her visit with Meiyumi last week. She would never admit it, but there was a burgeoning thought that would not leave her be. She found herself entertaining the thought of one day having his children. Never having thought about it in her adult years – or ever in her life, for that matter. For a moment of brisk confusion, she wondered if she were wolf enough to be going through heat.

No, she corrected in her mind, I'm not a dog. A mutt maybe, but a dog - never.

Regardless, after their eventual marriage, the prospect of children would be highly welcomed with either relief or disdain from the elder councilmen. They would be of two bloodlines, she reminded herself – if it were to ever occur.

An intriguing yet fearful thought.

She wondered if Gaara would be able to provide her with an answer that could help her decide for herself. Knowing it was a sensitive topic, she refrained from ever asking about his father. There was no telling what his reaction would be if she made the plunge to tell him. Quietly as he sat dressed and prepared for another day's work as the Fifth Kazekage, Gaara watched her with a curious expression while he tried to decipher what was going on in her mind.

No avail.

To him, she appeared saddened and worried, her usual pleasant expression mired in unfamiliar despair. It had to be Tenbu or Kenzō, he thought. Or was it something else entirely? "Nomasaki," He started, his eyes concerned. "You haven't said anything since waking this morning. Is there something troubling you?"

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