Chapter 14

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The Allen family went through a rough depression the whole summer. Carter and Skylar were grieving over the loss of their birth daughter. At the same time, they understood that Alyssa was at peace now, which helped them get through it. Elijah had also come to terms with it as well. He felt guilty that he could not help his sister heal, but he was also learning that broken hearts can kill you, even if you're not human.

Morgan had the toughest time dealing with Alyssa's absence. They were best friends for over 60 years. Rowan did everything he could to help her. She wasn't in the mood to feed. She wouldn't even have plasma fruit. Gio had to bring it to her in her bedroom when Rowan wasn't around, and make sure she was feeding one way or another.

Ethan had heard about a death in the Allen family (although he didn't know the details). He visited the house with Rowan often to try to lift their spirits. It made him hug Rowan a little tighter at night, hoping he would never have to feel the pain of losing a child.

It was the last week of summer, and Rowan was soon starting to prepare another year at University. He worked a couple times a week in the lab over the summer with Chris. But now the hours were going to pick up greatly once the semester began.

He was staying with Morgan for a couple days. He went into the bedroom to find her sitting next to her giant window, reading.

"Want to come with me for a walk?" he asked.

She looked up from her book, eyes a little foggy from eating only plasma fruit. She nodded.

They went to walk on a trail behind the house, that went along the lake. The sun was shining nice and bright. Rowan enjoyed the warmth of the sun on his skin. It wasn't too hot today, which made everything perfect.

  "This wasn't the best summer

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"This wasn't the best summer..." said Morgan, holding his hand.

Rowan sighed. "I know, I wish I could take the pain away."

Morgan let out a small smile, "You don't take it away. You help me cope with it."

They walked along the trail until they came across a bench looking out onto the lake. They sat down, gazing at the beautiful view.

"Are you going back to TA this year?" Rowan asked.

"Yes," said Morgan. "But I think only part time. I'm going to also work at the funeral home with Carter. He's short staffed. I feel like working with death, and helping people grieve, is something I want to do right now."

"I think you should do that," said Rowan, putting his arm around her.

They sat in silence for a moment, enjoying the sound of birds and the water gently washing up on the rocks in front of them.

"I've been thinking about our future..." Morgan said.

Rowan raised his eyebrows.

"The look on Alyssa's face when she...saw Joe. I want that kind of joy when I die and get to be with you...." she said.

Rowan took a deep breath, "I did want you to turn me, but after having that talk with Alyssa, I don't know. Maybe I do want to keep enjoying the taste of steak, or enjoy going to the beach."

She giggled, "You get it now, eh?"

"Well," said Rowan, "I still don't know. I also feel like it's not experiencing a human life if I can't grow old with you."

Morgan leaned her head onto his shoulder, "There's more to life than growing old with someone love. Enjoy us while it lasts."

"Yeah," Rowan said as his heart began to race.

"I can hear your heart," Morgan said, "What's wrong?"

"It's just..." said Rowan, "You're right, I need to enjoy us. And....I want to start something with you so I can enjoy it as long as I can."

He got off the bench, and lowered himself on one knee. He reached into his pocket on his shorts, and pulled out his mother's ring. Morgan looked confused.

"Morgan Allen, you say we're different. But we have been through the same experiences together, and we are healing, curing each other. We have the same feelings for each other. In a way, I think this makes us the same. I felt safe with you the moment I fell into your office and when I first looked into your eyes. It was like there was already a part of me in your eyes, waiting to rejoin itself with me. I want to officially join us together. To seal that bond, because we have it. I love you. Would you do me the honors of becoming my wife?"

End of Part 2 

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