Your last encounter with Agent Wilson flashes through your mind, your chest heaves, " You want to kill Scarlet Witch so you can keep your powers."

" Bingo!"

You spit on him, and it lands on his cheek. Eyes darkening in disgust he wipes it away," You truly are a wild animal." He sighs and starts pacing in front of you. " It baffles me how you're alive still, because we've been at this all night."

You frown in confusion, " What are you talking about?"

" Allow me to show you," he smiles coldly, and from the shadows behind him all manner of knives float out, glinting in the sunlight, pointing at you. Gulping, your heart races, fear flooding your veins, " No, please..." Your plea dies on your lips, as the knives edge towards you, slowly.

" I stole these from one of those... Chef shops, whatever you call them," Agent Wilson waves his hand nonchalantly.

Your chest heaves, and you tug on your restraints. The wall of knives edges closer, by now you're desperately thrashing in the chair trying to break free.

Mila and Wilson laugh as he brings up two fingers like a mock gun and points them at you, with a wink he brings his thumb down and the knives shoot forward.

You scream, Scarlet Witch please help!

The knives slice along your arms and legs, fresh blood blooms, trickling warm down your limbs, the copper smell filling the air. Tears trickle down your cheeks, and you think you're going to die with each painful slice. You sob from the pain, when a scarlet glow flares in your vision, causing you to choke. You blink in shock at what you're seeing. The chaos magic flares each time a knife heads to your torso or your head shielding your vitals, but it's not protecting your whole body. You're not controlling it- it's doing it on its own. Why?

The knives fall to the ground with a clatter, your blood smearing the blades.

" See what I mean? The same thing happened last night, even when you were passed out cold, every time I tried to kill you the chaos magic protected you. First I tried stabbing you with a knife, then I tried to suffocate you. Hell, I even tried to break your neck and it didn't take." Wilson paces in front of you, shaking his head. " I thought fifty knives would do the trick... Guess not, but at least I got a few cuts in," Agent Wilson shrugs. " So the big question is, how do we kill you?"

Tears run down your cheeks, and your legs and arms are wet with blood, searing pain peppers your arms and legs from all the cuts. He doesn't realize I'll probably just bleed to death. You choke on a sob.

Mila chuckles, " We could just let her starve to death."

Agent Wilsons brows raise, " Not a bad idea. But it'll take too long... So you're going to help us Y/N. You're going to stop the chaos magic from protecting you so that we can kill Scarlet Witch."

" You can go fuck yourself."

Agent Wilson nods, a cold smile on his lips, " So that's how it's going to be, huh?"

You purse your lips, trying to reign in your sobs, trying to be strong despite the pain and the despair welling inside you.

Without a word he strides forward, kneels down in front of you, grabs your index finger and snaps it back. A crack echoes and you scream at the sudden pain, rocking in your chair, " Stop the chaos magic, or I'll break every bone in your body! I know the magic doesn't protect you from torture." He doesn't know that you're not controlling it. But you don't care, because you will never tell this snake a thing.

You're dizzy from pain, chest heaving, nausea swirls in your gut. You glare at Agent Wilson and he sneers, " Fine then." He snaps your middle finger next and you scream, tears running down your cheeks. For an eternity he takes his time, snapping each and every finger on your right hand until you're sobbing from the pain unable to bear it any longer.

Scarlet Witch please! You need to get us out of this! You scream inside your head.

Y/N, The voice is faint but you gasp in relief, clutching it like a life line.

Scarlet Witch, please!

I can't... it's the woman Mila, she's restraining us. I'm fighting her... I only have enough magic to protect our vitals...

No, I need you now!

There's no reply, only silence.

Scarlet witch? Wanda? Please answer me!

The silence is deafening.

" Tell me how to kill Scarlet Witch!" Wilson roars, eyes manic as he stands back up. His fist rockets towards your face, your head whips to the side from the impact, agony punches through your jaw and you taste blood in your mouth. Your head flops, and darkness threatens the edge of your vision, everything feels so heavy and you just want to pass out. You want this all to be some horrible nightmare.

Despair sets in, and you realize you're all alone in this. Agent Wilson may very well kill you, he could give you a thousand cuts and you'll bleed out, or he can starve you to death like Mila suggested and no one will ever know. Scarlet Witch is too weak at the moment and no one knows where you are. You sob at the hopelessness of it all, as you think of your parents, your friends, Tom. You guys were just starting to get to know each other, you absolutely adore him, you don't want to be ripped away from him. Agent Wilson's mouth twists, his hair flopping over his eyes, " Fine- have it your way. If torture isn't going to work, perhaps if I kill Y/BF/N or your parents, maybe even Tom Holland will you tell me then?" You freeze in horror, ice racing down your spine. Your vision swims as you lift your head, ignoring your throbbing jaw, " Don't hurt them," blood dribbles out of your mouth, and the world sways. You know this isn't an empty threat because he's somehow found out your best friends name.

" Then tell me how to kill scarlet witch."

You sob, " I don't know."

" Liar."

" Please don't hurt them- I'll do anything. Please..."

" Noel, get over here!" Agent Wilson barks.

You freeze in your chair, as footsteps sound behind you and Noel walks around, hands twisting nervously in front of him. His eyes wide.

Noel, the ratbag your best friend has been seeing.

His face twists in horror, " You said you wouldn't hurt her!"

Like a puzzle falling into place, your realize Noel is the one who sold you out to Agent Wilson and Mila. That's why he wasn't at Home bar and that's how Agent Wilson knew where you were so he could ambush you, and how Agent Wilson knows your best friends name. All because Noel sold you and your best friend out to this piece of shit. Your best friend trusted him blindly and told him your secret, even when you said not to tell anyone. You're torn between hurt and anger that your best friend told Noel your secret. I know that love can make people blind but shit Y/BF/N! Tears well in your eyes.

Rage unlike anything you'd ever felt before flares inside you, " You asshole! You sold me out! You told them about Y/BF/N! She fucking loves you and this is what you do!"

Along with your rage, something wakens inside you, charging your cells. Scarlet energy races along your arms, the pain in your body receding, power gathers in your limbs.

Mila stumbles to the floor, hands clutching her head, " I can't hold her!"

Wilson punches your jaw again, this time darkness follows. 

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