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I look around the house to make sure that no one is at the house.

"Levi!" I whisper yell.

"Levi?" I say a bit louder this time.

"Ruby? Where did you go?" He says and pulls me into a hug, "I was so worried, you weren't answering your phone a-and, nevermind I'm just glad you're here now,"

"Sorry, I had to ditch my phone because my brothers have a tracker on it," I say and roll my eyes, "I chucked it in a bush so they shouldn't find me here,"

"Okay well we should still keep an eye out for them because they will probably come back here," Levi tells me.

"Yeah, I'll do what I just did if they come," He nods in agreement.

"But let's worry about that later Ruby, want me to make some food?" Levi asks me.

"Uh, yeah,"

Levi had made me some pasta and now we were eating it on the couch, then we heard cars pull up and lots of doors slam. Levi goes to the window and looks out of it.

"Shit its your brothers, cousins and dad,"

"Fuck okay I'll go upstairs and you hide my bowl, okay?" I ask/tell him.

"Yeah, fuck, go!" He whispers yells at me.

I run upstairs as quietly as I can while still looking at the front door and Levi, suddenly I have hit a wall, a warm, tall, big and moving wall. I look up and see Vince.

I give him a small smile,

"Hey?" I say to him. He glares at me but still pulls me into a hug.

"You're going to get it from Alex so be prepared."

"Yeah I had a feeling," Just as I say that Vince yells out that he's found me and I hear multiple sets of footsteps run up the stairs. My whole family is staring at me.

"Hi, how are you guys going," I say and lean against the wall.

"Ruby Skylar Carter!!," Alex yells out and moves to stand in front of me, "downstairs, now," he says quietly.

I walk downstairs and say a quick thank you and goodbye to Levi before I'm dragged off into a car.

"Look I'm sorry but you guys were being rude and unfair," I say honestly, I don't get a response just multiple glares.

"If I were you I would just stay quiet Ruby," Sam tells me. So I shut my mouth and look down, the car stops and we hop out and I'm pulled into the living room and onto the couch. Everyone sits around me apart from papa, who went into his office.

"We are so disappointed in you Ruby, I-we thought you were better than this." Alex says looking at me.

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint, I'm sorry that I'm not some perfect teenager that doesn't want to get away from her family, a house full of guys." I say bitterly, because disappointment hurt 10 times harder than being yelled at.

"Yeah, nice to know you want to get away from us," Toby says to me.

"Excuse me? Do not try to pin this on me, it's not like you don't go over to your friends houses because you are sick and tired of me, right Toby?"

"Oi! Shut up, now," Ben says.

"Okay, well what do you guys want to talk to me about?" I ask

"What do you want to talk to you about? For starters maybe addressing the fact that you ran away from home, didn't tell us where you were going, went to Levi's house, after we told you, you couldn't see him anymore. Oh and were planning on staying the night at his house. How's that for a conversation starter?" Kingston states.

"I'm sorry for running away but you guys are so infuriating, it's like you constantly have to be there, breathing down my neck," I yell out.

"We just want to take care of you!" Vince yells.

"Well maybe I don't want your protection!" I yell back.

"Ruby, stop it, you know you are in the wong and are getting defensive," Alex says.

"So what if I am? You're not my dad so you can't stop me," I say and cross my arms, standing up now.

"Oh here we go again with the 'you're not my dad' bullshit, I know i'm not Pa but i'm still your brother," Alex says to me.

"Exactly, you're my brother, you're supposed to be u-uh I don't know, congratulating me for managing to sneak out, you aren't supposed to parent me and I will never stop thanking you for raising me but you shouldn't have to burden on your shoulders," I say and everyone goes silent,

"Well i'm going to my room, and i'll leave the remote, ipad and laptop outside, because you already have my phone, right?" I ask.

"Uh, yeah we do, we will talk more about your grounding later, ju-just go to your room," Alex stutters out.

"Okay, see you later." I say and walk out.

HOLY CRAP, 31K reads, I know I say this pretty much every time but wow and nearly 900 votes!! <3 

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