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I turn around and cuddle into my bed, not caring that my alarm has gone off.

"Good morning sweetheart." I hear someone say.

"Come on sleepyhead, school today."

"Is that supposed to get me out of bed," I say while turning my head to look at Liam. He gives me a look and I quickly jump out of bed.

"I'm up now, piggyback?" I ask him with hopeful eyes.

"Come on then,"

He lowers his body so I can jump on his back quickly. We then go downstairs where Tom, Toby, Elijah, Lucas, and Bryce are having breakfast. Liam goes back upstairs while I have a piece of toast. I go and put some black shorts and a t-shirt with some converse. I remember to get my sports bag because I have p.e today. Once I am finished I go downstairs and get in Bryce's car because we are taking two cars and I would much rather sit with Bryce.

"Do you have p.e today princess?" Bryce asks me.

"Yep, last period."

"Great, you can come home with me then."

I look up and see that we are at school so I get out and go to my first class.

"Oww," I say rubbing my back because someone knocked me down. I look up and see Levi staring at me.

"Are you going to say sorry?"

"Why would I say sorry." Is his bland reply

"Because you pushed me??" I tell him, getting annoyed. He offers his hand but I just push it away.

"See you in class, asshole" I whisper under my breath.

The rest of the day passes in a blur until it is time for p.e. It seems as though everyone in the class hates me because they all glare at me, especially the girls. We walk into the gym and I see Lucas and Bryce talking, he must have has Lucas in his last class. They look over at me and smile. I walk over to him on my way to the changing room.

"What are we playing today, Mr, Carter?" I test his name, it sounds really weird.

"I would say call me Bryce, but that would be a bit unfair to other students wouldn't it?"

"Just a bit."

"Well we are playing dodgeball." he finally says.

"Yay!" I shout because I am a beast at dodgeball.

"Well go and get changed."

I run off after saying bye to Lucas and get changed into a t-shirt and skins.

The whole class gathers in the middle of the gym and wait to Bry- I mean Mr. Carter to tell us our next instructions.

"Hello class, my name is Mr. Carter and I will be your p.e teacher for two months."

Around 10 girls start pulling their shirts down and batting their eyelashes. I roll my eyes at his behavior. So does the other girl. Bryce starts the roll and I pay attention to the girl, I find out her name is Lily. She is a tall, slim girl that is very pale. With dark brown hair and green eyes.

"Okay guys we need two team captains," Bryce announces, he chooses two boys that put their hands up. Lily and I are the last people to be chosen and we end up on the same team. I use this opportunity to introduce myself to Lily. I walk over to her and she just stares at me. I stick my hand out. "Hi, my name is Ruby," I say while smiling. "Lily" is all she says. "Soo, do you like dodgeball?" I ask her.

"It's alright, I guess," she says with a small smile. I hear Bryce blow the whistle and the game starts. Lily and I stay at the back until it's just us against around 10 boys on the other team. They all are laughing and one of them asks Bryce if we can just end the game now cause they think they will win. He says no and then they all throw their balls at once. Lily and I move out of the way of every ball until we have all of them. I pick up one, aim and throw. It hits one of the guys directly in the chest. Lily and I keep this up until we have won. Everyone stares at us in amazement, our team comes and congratulates us.

"Idiots" Lily mutters.

"What?" I ask confused

"They all glare at us before we win the game for them and now they are all happy and act like we are all best friends, they are idiots."

"Fair enough," I say before Bryce calls me over.

"That was an awesome princess!"

"Thanks, are we going home now?" I ask him.

"Yep, so go get changed."

He pulls me into a hug and then I go get changed. On my way out I see Lily.

"Hey, Lily, can I have your number?"

"Sure, here's mine."

We swap numbers and say goodbye. I walk over to Bryce's car and am leaning against it when around 5 guys come over, they all look like seniors and look to be around 5'11.

"Hey, girly." One of them says. I glare at him and they all laugh at me. The next one walks next to me and leans against the car.

"Oi! Get your ass off the car," I yell at him, knowing how much Bryce loves this car. In fact, I'm the only one that has been in it.

"What are you gonna do about it?" He says and all the boys snicker.

"I'm gonna tell my brothers."

They all laugh again, I have a feeling they don't know who my brothers are.

"Well then who are your brothers, let me guess Simon the nerd?" Once again they all laugh. I look at them and smile. "No the Carter brothers." They are all visibly paling.

"Wa-wait are yo-you Ruby Carter?" The last one asks. I look around them and see my brothers and cousins coming over. "Yes, I am." They all turn to run away but are stopped by my cousins and brothers. "WHO WAS ON MY CAR?!" Bryce yells, scaring them all.

"He was," I say quietly, even am a bit scared of my brothers when they are like that. "6:00 tonight, if you don't come, I wouldn't bother coming to school tomorrow," Tommy said so quietly I could hardly hear him. "NOW GO!" he yells. 

Once they have left I am bombarded with questions. "I'm fine, can we just go home now," I say. "Come on sweetie." Bryce and I jump in his car and go home. Once we are home I run-up to my room, ignoring everyone. I can't be bothered with questions right now.

 I do my homework for around 2 hours before I am called downstairs. Everyone looks furious. "Are you alright Rubes?" Ben asks me and pulls me into a hug. "Yeah, I'm alright," I say quietly. I sit down in between Kingston and Alex and eat my dinner silently. "Movie night?" Vince asks me. "Yes please." I'm definitely in the mood for a movie. "Can we watch John Wick?" I ask because it is my favorite movie ever. I don't mind horror movies but I love action. "Sure."

We all go into the movie room and I cuddle up with Sam, I am so tired I fall straight to sleep.

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