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'promise you will text me everyday and call at least once maybe twice' Gracie laughed nodding 'anything for you y/n/n' I hugged her for what felt like a second and I really wished it was longer. 'a hug for your big little JJ' He opened his arms and I huffed falling into the hug jumping a little. Still wasn't quite comfortable to any male touch other than Simons occasionally. "we will be back before you know it' He whispered into my ear and I gave him a firm nod 'you better be'. I watched them walk off JJ's great muscular arm wrapped around her waist, god it was stupid but they were cute. 

I turned around to the 6 boys I was left with, 'can one of you drive me home please' I showed a toothy grin whilst pulling puppy eyes. 'Well I shall be your chaperone because I Simon Minter' I interrupted him 'Edward don't forget the Edward' He shot me daggers 'What? you forgot the Edward?' He was suppressing a smile 'I Simon Edward Minter will be living with you while the love birds are gone. shall we' My eyes were bulging out of my head 'what? Why? no. Wait' I really was just rambling because in all honesty I didn't mind that much.

'so wife what do you do first?' I laughed at his stupidity 'Wife?' He just bounced his head at me 'well yeah if we're living together it's like a married couple' I rolled my eyes 'no but because Gracie isn't here' A grin started playing on my face. 'we get to dance, alexa, play listen before I go' I reached out a hand in a jokey way but he took it. 'I don't know how to dance' I tried to move with the music 'neither do I we will learn together.' We were slow dancing round the kitchen with the skyscraper lights shining through the windows. The night looking very satisfying. The song was finishing off and Simon twirled me round. 

We ended his forehead leaning on my forehead I could feel our breathing in sync both of us looking each others faces up and down. I was scratching my fingernails across his neck and back all the while his hands were moving from my waist to the sides of me his hands just moving up and down until they managed to get under my top. He froze but I nodded ever so slightly and he moved his hands higher and higher until they were skimming my bra strap. 'what now?' I could swear it was so quiet he hardly even said it. I bit my lip 'well now...this' I leaned back knowing the sofa was right behind me as we both crashed into it in fits of giggles. 'well wasn't that fun my little l/n' I scrunched my nose 'never call me those words again' He used this to his opportunity. shit. 'wait you don't want me to call you...my little l/n!' He started tickling me I couldn't help but explode into laughter. 'you...fucking....moron'. He just smiled stopping and moving over to the island.

'dinner?' I nodded eagerly because I was hungry. I skipped over and plopped myself down on one of the chairs. 'then sleep because its 11 and I'm tired.' Simon and I ordered in Pizza, y/f/p, he made yet another sacrifice at your expense, why though, maybe because of what Tobi said. No he was only joking and I have to forget about that. I got changed quite quickly but it was hot so I probably would end up just in bra and pants. 'you really thought I would stay in the guest room' I looked at Simon leaning in the doorway 'no but even if I sent you back you wouldn't go you always were stubborn like that. Just get in' We moved towards the bed in sync. 10 minutes had gone past and it was boiling so I took my top off. 'stripping for me?' Simon asked and I rolled my eyes even if he couldn't see it. I gathered all my confidence and lifted my leg over his stomach my bare skin against his as he was in boxers. I moved across so I was almost on top of him the tension high. 'I hope you don't mind' I pushed only slightly and he let out a breath 'no' It was so faint I wanted to laugh. A week of this. Fucking Brilliant.

{A/N} SO MUCH OPPORTUNITY WTF IS WRONG WITH ME but also tehe. btw lowkey proud wrote 3 chapters today or tonight dunno its 3 am update go today it's been a rough couple days since the last update trying to write but it's been hard x

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