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I was currently sat on the sofa scrolling through my gallery stuffing my face with popcorn watching Brooklyn 99 and waiting for Gracie to come back from her dumb date. I was also looking at really hot photos of me in grey sweats [or jogger idk what people call them] and a strapped red crop top how ironic. I had finally picked a photo when the door banged open and in came the one and only Gracie. I turned off my phone and sat up. 'tell me everything!' I demanded.

She sat down next to me 'Well he invited me back to his...' I leaped out of my seat 'WHAT WHY ARENT YOU THERE IM SO CONFUSED?' I was babbling on when Gracie laughed 'the boys wanted you to come over' I froze and sat back down. 'I look tragic' she said in unison with me 'change your joggers to dark grey I'll plait your hair and boom done' I smirked. It was half an hour later and Gracie was finishing off the second plait. 'Opinions?' I showed her 2 photos 'the second one for sure' I nodded whilst we headed downstairs.

 'Opinions?' I showed her 2 photos 'the second one for sure' I nodded whilst we headed downstairs

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Liked by GracieHarrision and 21,546 others
I promise I look like this all the time 🐙

Tobijizzle: are you guys coming 😔
y/n:l/n: @tobjizzle were in the car
Miniminter: 👀😳
Y/n:l/n: @Miniminter shut up
Behzingram:^true love
Random4: 🤩🤩🤩
GracieHarrison: my bestmate though 😘

We pulled into the drive way and the house shocked me I mean I'd seen it one of their videos but it still surprised me.  I got dragged by Gracie to the door both of us with bags on our shoulders. I laughed at how excited she was. Before my hand even reached the door it opened and Simon Minters horrible smiling face stood in front of me. 'to the kitchen ma lady's' I rolled my eyes and chucked my bag down along with Gracies and followed Simon.

'hello my beautiful boys' I greeted the 6 boys sat around the island I gave them all a hug and plopped myself down next to Josh and Vik whilst Gracie headed straight to JJ who now had his arm wrapped around Gracies waist. I winked at her across the island and she rolled her eyes grinning.  'right so what exactly am I doing here?' I emphasised the I because its obvious why. 'Sim-' Vik started but got a hit in the stomach from both Ethan and Simon. 'We didn't want Gracie to feel alone you know' I nodded at Simon extremely confused as to why Vik couldn't tell me.

'So you 2 any good with games?' I looked at Gracie who was smirking. We were all sat around a coffee table in the lounge and the lads had set up a game of mr & mrs. 'we already decided the teams by the way' I turned around 'and I am with my Gracie... Right?' Vik laughed 'sorry y/n/n you're with Simon' I cursed 'no, for fuck sake' he just smiled and swung his arms round my shoulder 'what's up were real close' he pulled me tight into him and I tried to give him a dirty look but he just smiled and winked. The partners were stupid Josh and Tobi, Jide and Gracie, Ethan and Harry and of course Simon and I. Vik decided he wanted to be the host. Strange little man.

 'The name of y/ns first boyfriend or girlfriend' I shook my head and wrote it down 'Minter you are not getting this' I wrote down Archie on my board and waited 'you do know we are meant to work together? Also I got it' I shook my head 'impossible' Vik got out his notepad for scores 'answers please' I turned around my whiteboard and the minute Simon did the same the smug look went from my face to his. 'how did you ev-' I begun 'We're just so in love' I hit his chest 'you're actually fucking gross Minter' He laughed along with the others and the Game carried on. Surprisingly Simon and I won we knew a lot about each other some how probably just the time in school.

[A/N] there we go I do hope I'm on a roll god knows because I'm writing ahead x

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