Chapter 66 - Prepping

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You, Clem and AJ walked out the dorms and observed the courtyard. Everyone was doing last minute prepping.

Y/N: You ready to work today, kiddo?

AJ: Bad dreams always make me more tired.

Clementine: Yeah, tell me about it.

AJ: But I slept good in your guys' bed.

You smile and ruffled his hair.

AJ: I'm gonna go be on lookout, it's my turn.

He walks over to the makeshift tower with Tenn.

Y/N: Welp, what do we do?

Clementine: I don't know. Maybe we should ask Violet.

Y/N: Alright. Let's find her.

You see her talking to Louis in front of the admin building.

Louis: I got other stuff I need to do.

Violet: And that is?

Louis: It's... nothing. It's... it's just something important, okay?

Violet: Goddamnit, Louis! Would you just take this seriously for once in your life!

Louis: What?! I've been taking this seriously for fucking days! Almost two goddamn weeks!

Violet: Everyone has, too! Get over yourself!

He sighs and walks away, passing you and Clem.

Violet: Hey, guys.

Clementine: I thought Lilly and Abel would show up days ago. I wonder why they're holding off.

Y/N: They're probably trying to trick us. Make us think they're not attacking.

Clementine: Yeah, maybe.

Violet: All I wanted was more time to prepare, but I hate all of this waiting. And everyone being on edge doesn't help anything.

Y/N: You need our help with anything?

Violet: Yeah, now that I think about it. Could you check on everyone? Make sure they're prepared and they're actually doing everything right?

Clementine: Yeah, we can do that.

Violet: Thanks, guys. I'm gonna be boarding up the back hallway, since Louis won't fucking do it.

She walks into the admin building. You and Clem walked up to Louis, who was shooting arrows (and missing horribly).

Louis: Dammit!

Y/N: You uh, need some help there?

Louis: Ha-ha. Very funny. In a few weeks, or days, or hours, the raiders will be here, burn down our place, and steal or kill us. And then it won't matter how much I sucked at this.

Clementine: Those raiders aren't gonna burn anything or steal anyone.

Y/N: Not if we have to say anything about it.

Louis: You guys sound like Marlon. And I'm not talking about fighting, but when he was trying cheer us up. For years I sat around making stupid jokes, playing stupid games and goofing off, while my best friend was left with all of the hard calls.

He shoots.

Louis: All of the responsibility.

He shoots.

Louis: All of the sleepless nights, and it all ended up with a bullet in his skull. And I didn't do a damn thing about thing when I could've. And when you tried to tell us what he was really like, and AJ shot him, I blamed you. All three of you.

Y/N: We forgive you, man. We understand why you did it.

Clementine: We're not angry at you.

Louis: He was my best friend. Almost like my brother, but the things he did? They were fucked up. Here. One of you take it.

Clementine looks at you.

Y/N: Go for it. You'll be better than me.

She smiles at you and takes the bow from Louis.

Clementine: Are you sure? It's Marlon's

Louis: Was Marlon's. He used it to defend the school, before... before he stopped. Try it out! And try it out on the target, not me, please.

Clementine shoots four arrows, all hitting the bullseye.

Y/N: Told you that you would be better than me.

Louis: Remind me not to ever piss you off while there's a target painted on my back. If you wanna shoot some more, let me know, okay?

Clementine: Sounds good.

You both walked away.

Louis: And guys? Thank you. For all of it.

Y/N: No problem, man.

You both walked away and went over to Mitch, who was working on what you assume is a bomb.

Clementine: Hey. What're you working on there?

Mitch: A bomb.

Y/N: Yeah, I figured.

Mitch: Heh. It's test, gotta see if the bomb will detonate. 

Y/N: Uh... is that safe at all?

Mitch: Relax, this thing isn't going to hurt anyone, trust me. Just seeing if it'll light.

Clementine: It'd better. Our entire plan relies on that "thing". If they get in, I'll need you to set the bomb off while Y/N and I distract them.

Mitch: Expect the unexpected.

Y/N: Uh... sure, yeah. Something like that.

Mitch: It was on those stupid inspirational posters. It was all over the damn place. I tore them all down when everything went to shit.

He got up and tossed you the igniter.

Mitch: Could you do it? I fucked up my hand working on this all day.

It took you a couple tries, but you lit the bomb.

Mitch: Stand back!

You three stood back and watched as the fuse gets shorter... and shorter... and... nothing. Nothing happens.

Mitch: God-fucking-dammit! If this doesn't work... shit!

Clementine: We got to figure something out. If you can't get your bomb to work, then we need to come up with a new plan.

Mitch: I know, I fucked up! You could've just said that.

Y/N: Well...

Mitch: I'll figure it out. I just need some time. Alone time. To think.

Clementine: We get it! We'll leave.

Mitch: Thanks, though. For helping.

He goes back to working and you both walked over to AJ and Tenn.

Tenn: You think Sophie and Minnie will come? When they attack?

AJ: I dunno, maybe.

Y/N: What's going on, kiddos?

AJ: I'm doing watch, for danger.

Y/N: Like patrol?

AJ: Lookout is different than patrol.

Clementine: How so?

AJ: You don't walk.

Clementine: Oh, right.

Y/N: We'll leave you to it.

You both walked away.

Clementine: We should go find Violet.

Y/N: Okay.

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