chapter 3 <Maybe great year>

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"Nope. Not happening. I am not going." I say and try to actually get to my room but he stops me yet again.

"Please Tori.  I never ask for favors but I really like this girl. Please" he says and how could I say no to him?

"Ugh fine" I say "I hate you so much"

"Thank you! it starts at eight so you have ten minutes to get ready." He asks rushing off to his own room.

Yea like I'm going to rush myself. I didn't need much time to get ready, I just put on my jeans, white hoodie and over it oversized jean jacket, I left my hair in a bun I had before. 

Ten minutes after eight we start heading to that damn restaurant, and Cameron is almost dragging me there since apparently I took too long to get ready.

Entering the restaurant its this nice place with table booths, red chair leather and dark wooden tables with slightly dimmed lights and checkered floor  and dance floor on one side of the building. It gave away really classy retro vibe, I actually liked it. on the walls there were displayed vinyl plates. This place was really big and servants were roller skating. Wearing red and white checkered  shorts knee lenght socks and red tops. This place was more pleasant than I thought it would be. 

"Okay I'm heading to my friends. Lets meet here at ten. Okay?" Cameron says to me. "And again. Thank you Tori" he actually smiles at me.

"You're welcome. Call if anything happens okay?" He nods at me and heads to the dance floor to his group of friends. It made me happy that at least he is socially active.

So I need to be here for the next two hours. I'll just need to find some empty booth. I walked around looking for empty space because this place was crowded, all kinds of couples sitting, family's, friend groups. It would feel kind of wrong taking up all booth by myself, and it might look weird also, just some loner sitting by herself. 

Finally when spotted free space I walk over there but someone speaks to me as I'm walking "hey I  know you" I turn to whoever was speaking and I see four boys sitting. There was Jack, Max, Aaron, and the one who spoke was Harry I had classes whit all of them before, but we never actually talked. 

"It's veronica right?" Harry asks, god I hated when people messed up my name with Veronica, it happened more frequently then you'd thought.

"Its actually Victoria" I say to him.

"Oh yea sorry bout that. Are you here with friends or.." he asks me.

"No. I'm here with my brother" I answer trying to make normal conversation " he's actually with his friends now. I'm just here to babysit him in a way." I answer.

''so you are alone?'' Jack speaks. 

That sounded kind of sad maybe not sad but pathetic, but it was true I didn't really answer just nodded at him with heavy sigh. 

"You can sit with us." Jack says smirking at me. This wasn't good idea. These guys weren't friendliest group out of school and it made sense why Aaron was part of this group. How is it possible that by just one sort of conversation I already kind of despite him?

"Uhh. I don't know about that.." I try to make some kind of excuse.

"Come on we don't bite." Says Max.

I didn't really have a choice did I? These were the type of guys that no one in school messed with usually. I don't know about Aaron but he still looks scary and he definitely fit in with these guys. Of course I could run away.. but how would that look?

With no other choice  I just sat down to one place that was empty next to Harry. Here was some people from our school that I knew and they were already looking at me. Would you imagine schools loser siting with these guys. Well I wasn't a looser but like. I wasn't anything special. A lot of people knew me. But a lot also didn't. 

Friendship, Love And HateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz