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There’s a woman outside of our school clutching a stack of tear stained papers to her chest. Her red-rimmed eyes are so puffy from crying that they barely look open. Her hiccups have quieted down some since Jiminie and I had walked past her and she had handed us one of the papers in her arms. 

“Have you seen her?,” she asked with such deep emotion, you could quite literally hear the sobs in her throat threatening to surface. For the sake of appearances, both Jimin and I looked down at the paper she had handed us. We both knew we would say no without even a single glance at the photocopied image. 

A quick once over revealed a girl with brown hair, her skin pale, eyes beautiful and hopeful. She was younger here, her cheekbones more pronounced, skinnier. No one here would recognize this girl. 

But Jimin and I did, her name popping in a bold Arial font. 


‘Yes, I have seen your daughter Davina.'

Unfortunately the last time Jimin and I had seen the blue-haired girl, was as we placed her and her, also, now dead, partner in a vat of acid. Jimin had promptly gotten to the dismemberment of their bodies after our little love making session, and a small nap. Completely naked, we had wrapped the body parts in the sheet that had covered Davina and pulled them into a separate room, already prepared by my Jiminie. 

In a deep and wide, tub-like vat, he had procured lye, don’t ask me how that man does what he does, and with long, rubber, industrial type gloves, we made a show of placing the pieces in one by one. After covering it up and sealing it tight, Jimin hit a switch on the side and a  simmering fire began to heat up the concoction of lye, skin, muscle, and bone. 

I personally could have stayed and watched this all day but Jimin said it would take a while. Finding clothes that he had set aside for us, we hosed each other down and got dressed, collecting our old ones and the blood soaked sheet. A fire was set outside the property in an old tin barrel where we proceeded to burn the rest of the evidence. 

It took several long days before Jimin and I would return to the warehouse, the fire still going and a strange smell worse than before having filled the facility. With mask and gloves we uncovered the vat and, seeing no big pieces, Jimin hit another switch and suddenly the now browned liquid was being drained down an unknown hole. The sounds as the last bit of liquid disappeared were enough to make me grit my teeth. 

Small pieces of bone were left and Jimin scooped them into the drain before hitting yet another switch and something like a garbage disposal came on and crushed what remained. It was at this time I looked up to see Jimin holding a big bottle of bleach. He proceeded to throw the liquid all around the vat and down the drain. With scrubbing pads, he cleaned the tub-like structure as if it were his own in his bathroom. Afterwards he poured another whole bottle in and repeated the process. 

My head spun and I felt a bit of nausea coming on, but as Jimin pulled out another bottle of bleach and handed it to me, I couldn't help but take it and slowly pour it straight down the drain. 

“That’s right, baby. No evidence,” Jimin chuckled as he came up behind me wrapping his arms at my bending waist. After all had drained, he turned on the disposal again for several long minutes and we stood, arms wrapped around waists, and watched as the last bits of the two individuals that dared to come between us became something of the non-existent. 

“You aren’t allowed to let any other male, female, or being for that matter, touch you with hands, fingers, lips, tongues, teeth or cocks,” JImin says from above me. “And in turn, I will bring you all the pleasures your little body can handle.” He pulled me around, chest to chest with him before deeply growling into my ear, “And then a lot more.”

I fought the tremor that threatened to throw my body across the room as I snidely looked him in the eyes and agreed. “Ok. And you are not allowed to let another woman put their tongue, lips, teeth, fingers, hands, arms, legs, asses, or pussies anywhere near you. And in turn, I get to threaten, torture, punish, mame, and possible kill any bitch who tries while you watch.” The smile on my face was wide as he looked to contemplate my counteroffer. 

Hmmm, and will I get the same contingency if I find someone went against me and mine as well?”

“Well, of course, Jiminie,” we were too giggling idiots. 

“Then it's a deal, love.”


Once inside the school building, away from the crying woman, the air seems lighter, fresher than before. It feels like we're experiencing a year-round springtime. Two lovebirds walking hand in hand, weaving in and out of the many obstacles in life without even a blemish. Yup, that’s how this feels as Jimin and I head to lunch, completely wrapped in our own little bubble. 

I pretend to not see the confused glances thrown our way, our big fight still resonating in the school hallways. But people fight, break-up, and get back together all the time, so that will soon be forgotten. What can’t be unseen, though, is the terrified looks on the faces of Kim Seokjin and Davina’s dark-haired friend as they both, on several different occasions, scurry past Jimin and I, heads down, and shaking in fear. 

It brings a smile to my face knowing my reputation will stay in tact, that someone knows our story. Our story that may not be told in facts, but will be told in myth. The myth about the two people who tried to scam and plot against the divine couple and seemingly disappeared one day without a trace.

No, there isn't any proof, and no, there aren’t any bodies, but everyone, anywhere will know…

You don’t fuck with (Y/L/N) (Y/N) and you don’t fuck with Park Fucking Jimin.


It's officially done. I 💜 you all staying with me on this long ass ride. I'll be editing this story sometime in the future, getting rid of some of those tedious diary entries or, at the very least, compiling them into one chapter. 😒

I honestly can't wait for you guys to read my next work. I have waited too long to start it. 🤣🤣

I would repost it but seeing as it was just the last chapter, I won't.

Anyway, meet me over there with Joon. We'll be waiting. 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

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