Making it Official

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"Taehyungie," the sweet sound of my name off her lips brought a smile to my face but turning around and seeing hers covered in tears quickly pissed me off.

"What, (Y/N)? What is it?," I ask even though I'm sure I already know. Her and Jimin just had a very big break-up, over me, of course, and he said some pretty mean things to her. I would have to confront him later and discuss an apology but, for now, I have to comfort my girl.

We were standing in the now, empty, hallway, most of the student body already in the cafeteria line waiting for their food. She approached me while still at my locker placing my personal items inside, startling me, yes, but I was quick to recover. I quickly wrap her in my arms and pull her against my chest where her cries go on for a few more minutes.

"You-you still want me, right?," she asks me so innocently and I can't begin to fathom how she could ever think anything otherwise.

"Of course, my beautiful goddess. You're mine now and I don't ever plan to let you go."

She sniffles and meekly nods, planting herself back into my chest and I feel a sense of euphoria flood through me. I finally have my girl. She's mine. We can walk down the hall hand in hand, arm in arm. I can kiss her publicly, ravage her against the lockers, have her whenever I want.

The thoughts going through my head make my hands and arms move subconsciously and (Y/N) brings it to my attention with a giggle and a smack to my hand on her ass.

"Not now, Taehyungie," her tone sounded so juvenile and cute and I couldn't help but bend down and rub my nose against hers.

"Sorry, princess, you're just so fucking sexy."

I leaned against my locker, pulling her in with me while placing my hands in her back pockets. She giggled some more, seemingly embarrassed by my behavior. I had considered letting her go and heading on to the lunchroom when I looked up and saw Jimin walking down the hall. I didn't budge an inch. If anything, I dug my hands in further, making sure to grab and massage handfuls of her ass through her jeans.

I high key wanted him to say something, just so I could lace his jaw. But we were still on school grounds and I didn't need the trouble. Luckily he only looked at us with a smirk and a roll of the eyes. And being who I am, I smirked back, keeping full contact, before grabbing her by her hair, pulling her head back, and planting a sloppy kiss on her lips. She froze under me, maybe not expecting that, but the look on Jimin's face was enough to scatter any doubt I had about her reaction.

His eyes bulged from his face and his lips curled in on themselves. He steeled himself quickly before shaking his head and continuing on to his destination.

No, he was not completely over her, but he knew that the better man had won.

After Jimin passed, we headed into the cafeteria where for the very first time, she sat next to me and my group of friends. Seokjin's eyes grew to an unimaginable size, given that we are Korean, as me and my goddess sat beside him. I watched as he quickly scanned the room looking for, I assume, Jimin. Upon seeing him, he began to immediately pack up his lunch tray, giving Jungkook a deliberate look that made him begin to pack up as well. Before I could say anything, I caught Jin shaking his head in the direction of the kitchen. Turning I see Namjoon and Yoongi, walking up to our table with their trays, confused looks on their faces as Jin cocks his head in the direction of (Y/N) and I.

"For fucks sake, Seokjin!," I finally yell, completely exasperated with his antics at this point. "It's fine. They broke up. We're together. And that's that!"

Namjoon and Yoongi frown, then laugh at Jin as he continues to stand while they sit down. Jungkook takes the hint and sits back down too. But Jin... Jin gives us all a crazed look before leaving as he had planned to in the beginning.

Besides all that, lunch goes by smoothly and this time, it is I who gets to walk my goddess to her classroom. I lean down to kiss her at the door but she moves her head to the side before I can, that same shy smile shining up at me. It's the second time I've felt the sting of rejection from her in the last hour and I tilt my head and frown in question.

"We can't yet, Taehyungie," she says to me from behind her book.

"We have to make us official." Okay, I'm intrigued.

"How, princess? You're already officially mine but what must we do?"

"I've got to trap you like I did my Jiminie," she's still playing hide and seek with this book and it's just the cutest shit.

I had heard tales of how she had kidnaped Jimin and made slight work of his ex before getting with him but it all sounded like an urban legend. Drugs, handcuffs, abandoned, yet newly painted hospital rooms? Not this beautifully shy being before me.

"He's not your Jiminie anymore princess," my jealousy beginning to show a bit. "You can just call him Park now. Actually, we don't have to bring him up at all." She nodded in agreement.

"Now," I smile wide, satisfied and ready to get into this. "How do I find myself in your trap?"


So I guess there was some truth to the rumors as I find myself pulling up to the address she had so meticulously wrote on a post-it and pushed into my hand. It looks to be an abandoned warehouse with quite some mileage from anything functionable. The building has to be about 30 stories high and just from the outside I can tell it hasn't been used or maybe even looked upon in decades.

Nerves begin to rise, causing the hairs on my arms and back of my neck to stand up as I pull on the creaking door, gaining entrance into the condemned building. Immediately I'm assaulted with the sight and smell of candles placed delicately in a row. Six to be exact and they form an arrow, a path I assumed my goddess wanted me to follow. I smile and immediately begin heading in the direction it leads.

I'm guided down a hallway, ash and debris covering the floors as I go, old paint still peeling from the ill-colored walls. I sniff the air as it smells sweet from the candles, strawberries and vanilla, but there is an underlining scent of mold and decay that seems to get stronger the farther I go.

Up a flight of stairs, more candles guide me in between a maze of rooms and random hallways, until my patience begins to wane wondering where my princess could be. Finally, the candles lead me into a dark room, no light, no windows. I call out to (Y/N) not really wanting to go in but anticipating this weird ritual of hers. I stand in the dark but keep an eye on the door, ready to bolt if need be, but from behind me, I hear the sweetest crooning of my name.


I turn to see (Y/N) looking angelic, goddess like, in the aura of the flame she holds in her hand.

Immediately, I see visions of her in a wedding dress, walking down the aisle towards me, a beautiful bouquet in her hands. I see her body glowing and round with child, her hands delicately resting on her belly as she tells me she loves me. I imagine making love to her pregnant body, raining kisses over her nakedness, letting her know she means the absolute world to me. Images of a little boy, or girl, our combined features cultivating in the perfect child. One that we will love and raise together. Everything looks utterly perfect and I reach out my hands to my goddess ready to make this dream a reality.

"Come here, princess," I say to her and she playfully bites her bottom lip and takes a step back. She's really going to make me work for it, walk right into her 'trap' as she calls it. I take a step forward and smirk down at her.

"I thought I was walking into your trap, princess. This feels like I'm stalking you," I say as we continue this little dance that leads farther and farther into the dark room. She giggles and continues to lure me inside until we are so far from the door, the only light is she and the candle she holds. On one step closer to her, she doesn't move and I assume our little game is over as I come closer to my prize. She evilly smirks, but doesn't move. I know I'm officially in her trap as her grin widens to a crazed smile before she bursts out into delirious laughter.

"Take a deep breath, Taehyung. It could very well be your last." 

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