Chapter 2

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Not a big fan of writing from Macs perspective as i'm not 100% sure what he'd be feeling. But oh well. I'll go for it anyways :/
Riley POV
Still at Macs side, Riley decided to try more forcefully to wake mac up, even know Jack said she couldn't but she couldn't stand watching mac so vulnerable like this.Using her shaking right hand she lifted it up and placed her hand on macs chest,She could feel his heart thumping up and down, up and down at a million miles a hour.
Suddenly a force jerked up right and a stray hand grasped her wrist and yanked her hand away from his chest. Riley panicked and backed away from the bed into his wall, she did not imagine such a thin man to have so much power with one hand. Still against the wall Riley watched as Mac sat upright in bed with a panicked look on his face and tears brimming his eyes. Riley slowly moved over to Mac with her hands up in-front of her in a surrendered position "Mac it's Riley, it's me." Riley reassured Macgyver "your safe..."

Macs POV

The voice of Riley brought him back to reality, I could feel the sweat from my forehead run down past my brow and down the side of my face. I could still hear the murmur of Riley's voice somewhere in the room but i couldn't quite make out where she was, I was too focused on making my breathing go back to a normal speed. Deciding to put an effort into seeing where Riley is and if she is ok, i turn around to look but before i had a chance i felt a warm hand touch my back. It was Riley's. Her hand was small and it moved in circular movement on my back, i immediately felt at ease.
"it's ok mac, it was only a dream" Riley reassured from the side of me.

Riley POV
"Riles, you ok?" Mac questioned. Only Mac would be asking if i'm ok after what's he's just been through.
"Mac" I said with a slight chuckle in my voice "Of course i'm ok, i should be the one asking you that." I saw a smirk take over his mouth and we both started to laugh. "Seriously though mac, you good?"
"Yeh i'm fine" He replied. Over the years i've noticed that he's a bad liar, When he lies his eyes drift away and he doesn't make eye contact.
I notice his fingers twitching and fiddling with a stray piece of fabric from his flannel trousers. Sensing he needs a distraction from the big brain of his, I stand up from his bed "Fancy hot chocolate? We can binge watch Netflix," With a slight nod of his head, i take that as a yes and head over to the kitchen.

While stirring the Hot chocolate, I peer round behind me and see a tensed Macgyver sat down on the sofa, still in a world of his thoughts. I pick up the two mugs of Bozers special recipe Hot chocolate and head over to mac. With a nudge of a shoulder i bump him out of his head of thoughts and hand him the mug of chocolate. "Bozers special recipe.." I say in hope to distract him but all i get is a fake smirk and nod of the head. "You know you can talk to me about anything mac" I say giving off a soft smirk. I know mac, he's the sort of person who doesn't finds it easy to let out his emotion and would much rather keep it stored up inside him.
" I know riley, thanks,"He says in a whisper "so what are we watching?" Mac questions while giving the sofa a tap next to him signalling for Riley to sit down.
" I was thinking some Star Wars" I sat while sitting down next to mac. Damn, Bozer and Mac really need to invest in getting a bigger sofa our legs touched as I sat down.
"Jack will be pissed that we're watching them without him" He chuckled while putting one arm on the sofa behind my head and using the other hand to ruffle up the blond hair on his head.
"The old man shouldn't have got into traffic then!" I said with a giggle, relaxing into the sofa.

It was about an hour into the movie when i heard a soft snore coming from Riley's direction, turning my body i noticed a light weight on my right shoulder and felt soft breathes down my neck. Looking over to my right slowly,not wanting to disturb her, i see riley with her eyes closed and curled up in my side. Her soft black hair was dangling down,with some stray locks in front of her face. I fought the urge to stroke the stand of hair out of the way but soon gave in by lifting my hand and softly moving it from her face and tucking it behind her ear not wanting to wake her as i've already done that one to many times tonight and felt so guilty.
The movement of her surroundings obviously lifted her into a lighter sleep as i heard a small noise escape from riley's mouth and her move her head onto my chest. It took a couple minutes for her to go back into a deeper sleep and when she did i placed my hand on her waist and my head resting on hers. It felt right, me and her, and only took me a couple minutes for me to fall into a deep sleep myself.

Jack POV
"Come on riley answer your phone!" Jack wined while slamming his hands on his steering wheel. The silence from mac and riley we're starting to worry jack, it didn't help that he was on his own in his car letting his thoughts take over. Trying again jack phoned riley, with no luck he tried ringing macgyver. Nothing.
Pulling into the macgyver drive way  with speed and worry ( but if anyone asks he was all cool and calm ), he hopped out his car and pulled his gun with a bad feeling in the back of his mind. With his gun drawn jack pushed open the door and creeped into the dark living room trying to find a light switch. Gotcha! He found a switch and turned on the lights revealing mac and riley curled up on the sofa together, with hot chocolates still warm on the side and star wars playing in the background. Pulling his phone out he snapped a photo of the two agents cuddled up with one another "this is a blackmail source for the future!" he thought to himself. Putting the phone back into the pocket of his jeans, jack picked up a stray blanket and draped it over the two of them, leaving them to sleep until the morning...

if you have any ideas on how i can continue this, feel free to leave suggestions but for now this is it.
the end

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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