0.0 : Lost her Consciousness

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I looked over at the cloud filled sky

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I looked over at the cloud filled sky. It was darker than the other normal evenings, probably indicating that it was going to rain.

The cold chilly breeze flowing through the city gave me goosebumps. The whether was too cold today.

The pattern that the clouds formed into the sky, the leaves that were moving with the wind, everything was so fascinating.

Nature's beauty, the feeling of peace and calmness it provides have always made me speechless. I can just sit and look at it for hours.

And I would have loved to do the same right now, if my father wouldn't have asked my younger brother to call my mother. But since he's busy playing video games and saving his as... ranking their, I have to search mamma for him.

If only he was a bit worried about his rank at school like he is for some stupid games, he could have been among toppers.

As I turned right into the small corridor of the farm house we are staying at, I saw my elder cousin brother, Max coming in my direction.

I passed him a smile and jogged up to him, attacking his hand. I meant, aiming to hold his hand but my sudden move and speed made him stumble a step or two.

"Woah! Easy Audi." I looked at him with a silly grin that formed on my face. Well, yes he calls me Audi as in short form for 'Audi cars' which is quiet similar to my real name.

"I am so happy you are here because if you were not then I would have died out of boredom." I told him.

Apparently my grand mother's friend's grand daughter was getting married and my old granny wanted the whole family to accompany her to the wedding.

I didn't want to travel the whole way from San Francisco to Portland for some stranger's wedding but I wasn't given any choice.

"Even Thea got herself saved from this. I don't know why the hell they wanted me here because all I have got to do, since we came, is some stupid work." I complained to him because I knew he'll understand.

Max is my father's elder sister's son whereas Thea was my father's elder brother's daughter but she is few months younger to me. They even have a son, Jason and then there's my own younger brother, Ash.

I don't have a lot of people in this world who truly understands me but he and Thea aren't one of them. I always thank God to give me siblings like both of them.

"And that makes it 9 times." his voice brings me out of my thoughts.

"What 9 times?" I asked, confused.

"You have said that to me for 9 times today." he said looking at me with a teasing look on his face.

I just shrugged my shoulders in response. So what if I did! He is my elder brother, if I will not go to him with my problems then who will I go to?

"So our plan for tomorrow is still on, right." I asked.

"As long as you can keep it a secret, it is on."

I passed him a big smile before saying, "I have done a PhD in keeping secrets. Don't worry."

I waved him a bye before continuing my search for mamma. How long will it take for tomorrow to come? I am so excited for the little adventure we had planned.

We are going to visit all the interesting places here in Portland. And what makes it adventurous is that no one else in the family other than my parents know about it.

Since I am already here, I thought why not make the trip more fruitful. No. Honestly it was all Max's plan. He planned it all while I was busy sulking all time.

I will do whatever my family wants me to but that doesn't mean I will stop living my own life. After all that was what grandpa wanted me to do.

Taking another left I stopped in front of my grandma's room. I figured I'll find mamma here and listening to the noises that came out of the room, I think my guess is correct.

I opened the door and was about to step inside when something caught my attention. My Aunt Delilah was talking to a woman, who was probably in her forties as well.

I looked over at my mother who looked helpless, whenever she tried to say something she was abruptly interrupted by my aunt and grandmother.

The subject they were talking about made me astonished but it didn't took long for the astonishment to turn into anger.

They were talking about my marriage?


I was about to step inside to voice out my thoughts when I heard my grandmother's final words, "You have my words Veronica, my eldest grand daughter will marry your son."

And that was it. That was the conclusion. I know whatever I would like to say will mean absolutely nothing to them.

It was in that moment that I remembered, clearly, all the wrong they have done to me and to my parents. Just like my words, I was useless to them.

They never cared and they never will!

Her words just felt like the final nail into the coffin.

My Aunt's words brought me out of my thoughts, "She'll be turning 18 in a few months. We can get them engaged soon after and then marriage in a year or two. " Her extra sugary tone and excitement made me cringe.

Not wanting to listen anything more, I ran away from that room. My mind was consumed with pure anger and their words kept roaming in my mind.

I ran and ran not knowing where I was going. I left the farmhouse without even realizing.

I didn't knew where I was going when suddenly something hit me so hard and before I could understand anything, my numb and lifeless self hit the concrete road. Pain spread throughout my body, I blinked my eyes but slowly darkness surround me. Slowly, I fall into a dreamless sleep as I lost my consciousness.


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