Luka x Reader

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Storyline: You and Luka have been music partners for about two years now, and are about to start your concert. Luka has a huge crush on you, but you remain oblivious to it and insist that you're just friends to all your fans across Paris.

I sat behind the stage, anxiously bouncing my knee and upsetting my violin. There was no question that this was the largest crowd I'd ever performed for. What if I screwed up? What if I played the wrong note?? What if my violin squeaked? What if-

Luka, who was sitting next to me, attempted to calm me down by playing a tune on his guitar. It worked, because the sound was beautiful.

"Thanks, Luka," I sighed, biting my lip. "I just can't stop worrying. It's like all of Paris is here! I'm gonna be no good on stage."

"They're here because they know how amazing you are, Y/n," Luka replied. "If you were no good, the crowd would be pretty small."

A woman wearing a headset walked briskly toward us. "L/n and Couffaine? You're on."

I nodded, swallowing nervously. As we stood up, Luka nudged my shoulder--which was amazing considering how much taller he was than me. "Hey, break a leg," he smiled.

I rolled my e/c eyes. "That's just for theater, you dork."

"Well, you'll be great either way," he said. As we walked onto the stage, the crowd went insane. I looked around, trying to hide my nerves, and noticed a couple people were holding signs with my name on it. Wait, what? Was I actually this popular??

"See?" Luka said. "Told you they love you."

He mumbled something under his breath that I didn't hear over the roar of the excited crowd. "What was that?"


Luka's POV:

I noticed Y/n's excited expression when they saw the praise they were receiving. "See? Told you they love you," I smiled. Then I turned away. "They're not the only ones," I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Nothing!" I said hastily.

Y/n's POV:

I took my violin out of it's case, put in in the rest position, and glanced at Luka. He nodded toward me to cue me to start the song.

I took a deep breath and pretended the crowd wasn't there. Then we started the song.

.As we finished the song, there a moment of silence for a few seconds. But then the crowd began applauding, cheering for us. I grinned at Luka, who smiled back. 'Told you,' he mouthed. I rolled my eyes with a smile at him.

I noticed there was a girl, maybe a year or two younger than me, in the front row near the stage, cupping her hands around her mouth chanting something. I tried to listen to what she was saying and blinked when I realized. She was chanting "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" I looked over at my partner with a confused glance. Who, me and Luka? No way, we were just friends.

He followed where I had been looking and chuckled when he too heard the girl's demands.

BUT I GUESS THE UNIVERSE IS AGAINST MY FEAR OF PEER PRESSURE, because the rest of the crowd heard the girl and decided to repeat it as well. Soon, the entire crowd was screaming for us to kiss. I covered my face with my hands, blushing wildly. Fangirls.

I peeked through my fingers at Luka, who was just as red as I felt. Then, to my utter surprise, he shrugged and kissed me on the cheek.

I don't think I've ever felt more embarassed, as the crowd began cheering even louder than at the end of our performance. But for some reason, I was happy. . .?

No way. I couldn't have a crush on Luka. That's not possible.

-One hour later-

We finally got away from the performance. Luka had to jog to keep up with my fast-paced speedwalking. "Y/n!" I looked over at him, furious when my face heated up again.

"Look, I am really sorry about that," he looked ashamed of himself. "It's bad enough I kissed you without your consent, but I did it in front of all of Paris. I am so sorry."

"I know," I replied, pulling my hood up. He slowed down, not trying to keep up with me anymore. I looked behind me to see him standing there with a hurt look on his face. I sighed and turned to face him. "It was embarrassing, but you weren't thinking."

"I really, truly wasn't," he replied guiltily. "Is there any way I could make it up to you?"

Now's the time to be stupid, a voice in my head thought. "Okay. . .how about an actual date?"

He blinked rapidly. "Wait. . .what?"

"It's all we can do after the entire city saw what just happened," I shrugged. "They think we're dating now, so why not try it out?"

He looked shocked. "I--wow, okay. Where do you want to go?"

"Well. . .there's this one movie showing later today. It's (Favorite movie). Want to see it?"

He nodded. "Anything for you."

I blushed. "Okay, let's go."

We walked next to each other in silence for a few minutes, then Luka said "Can I hold your hand?"

"Um. .. sure, why not?" I stuttered. He took my hand and continued walking. I'm sure I was completely red in the face, but honestly, this was the best I'd felt in a long time.

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