Start from the beginning

She slowly disappears from the group in a daze and Ivy hesitates to follow.

"leave her" a whisper enters her ear and she flinches as the dark lord looms over her.

Her eyes scan the room frantically, did no one else see him?

"Leave her alone" she whispers harshly, was he after them both?

"Your sister signed her name as you did, there is no escape from your fate".

"Ivy" Jamie touches her shoulder and she jumps, causing him to let go.

He looks around for any prying eyes before stepping closer, "something's going on with you".

She brushes it off with a smile, "no, it's nothing, i just don't really do satanic plays" she gestures to the stage.

"Im used to the same boring Romeo and Juliet scenes every year" she drops her script on a chair.

Suddenly Sabrina lets out a scream, "No! i won't do that!".

The church falls silent as everyone stares at her curiously.

She locks eyes with Ivy as they share the same look of horror.

The dark lord.


Cheap perfume and cleaning supplies, Baxter High.

Sabrina and Ivy share an anxious glance.

The dark lord was tormenting them at the Academy and the desecrated church, Baxter High could be the only place they can get a break.

The pair walk through the halls, it was time to see Roz and Harvey and...Theo.

Ivy stops, staring at the floor in thought.

"Ivy?" Sabrina turns, silence.

"Ivy" she squeezes her arm and she blinks from her daze.

"I...need a minute, if that's okay" she looks at her sister with worry.

She nods, "of course, do you want me to stay with you?" she tries and Ivy shakes her head.

"No, uh, you go ahead, I'll be right there" she assures, turning down the hall.

What if Theo wasn't ready? what if he moved on? what if he didn't want to see her?

She throws the back doors open and the cold air hits her face as she freezes.

Theo slowly rises from a wall in front of her, brushing his hands off as they stare at each other, neither daring to speak first.

The silence is broken as Theo chuckles under his breath, "I knew it" he steps forward as nerves fill his body.

The sound of his laugh makes it easier as Ivy also takes a step closer.

"I promised you I'd come back" she smiles, her voice a shaky whisper.

She had waited so long for this small moment and now she had no idea what to say or do.

POISON IVY❖Theo Putnam (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now