Chapter 13

13 4 4

Von's POV

The new software was completely off the grid. It was easy to install and bring in effect but there was no way of locating it. The software we had been using till now is also not able to locate it. There was nothing wrong with the binary sequence and it's code of formation. But then too the system was quite different. And it's nearly impossible that a software is designed by humans and even the designer can't understand it's method of work.

Hardy was also there. Akira thought that he may come up with a different idea since his logical thinking is very powerful. No theories were getting applied on it but the firewall was still working. It's working bothered me. When Andy had sent the software made by Akira, it took me only half an hour to understand it's functioning and here we had at least two hours but still there is no advancement in cracking the code.

"Why don't we try connecting it with a satellite. If we are checking it out then there is nothing wrong with doing that. I think you guys should give it a try."

Hardy's idea is nice. Maybe Akira would give him a chance since she was the one who had asked him to come with us.

"The coordinates of the current satellite are latitude 25°23'56'' west and longitude 34°54' noth. It will take us ten minutes to gain contact with that."

That was a bit too early.

"But it's not anywhere near our coordinates. I think it will take at least half hour."

That was correct. How on earth can we access a satellite in ten minutes which is on the completely opposite of us.

"In ten minutes the satellite will be hovering above us. Don't put too much pressure on your mind Von, it's a personal satellite."

With that she went to the laboratory which was under us. We just followed her. She spoke something in an intercom in a different language. After that she started the process. The satellite was shifted from it's initial position towards south. The solar panels were opens and it was a magnificent thing to watch. I don't know why but it reminded me of  Voyager 1. The space mission. It was a real piece of human mind's strength.

After ten minutes the satellite was hovering above us. Akira was busy, bringing it to a constant speed after it's long journey from the opposite side. She didn't had time for evening catching a glance at other side. The satellites connection was locked. It's identity hidden so that no one can spot it's movement or it was a high possibility that we may traced or the satellite connection hampered.

We went back on the top floor. The device was connected to the satellite. It was working. Hope the code would be easy to break. Wait. What the heck was that. It's coding was changing everytime we were restarting it.

"What's this?"

We all said in unison. It was getting harder and harder. Even the passcodes were changing. Wait. The passcodes. They are the key.

"Do you have any device which can trace the linking from the satellite side because it's gonna be impossible from the software side."

"Yeah, wait a minute Von."

Akira went to her laboratory downstairs. She came back with a small white device. She traced the link from the satellite side. She blocked all other devices connected with that satellite. The device was connecting with it and processing it's functionality.

Just that Akira's phone rang. Andy. What problem is he having now?

"Yes bro, what's up?"

"Why had Akira blocked the satellite?"

He was frustrated. Can't he stay off the grid just for a few minutes.

"Well Andy we have developed a new software. It was made by mistake and now we are trying to break the codes. Please co-operate for a few minutes."

"But why? Is that, that much important for you guys? And why can't you let me on the grid while you are testing it out?"

"Andy try mto understand it. If that got transferred to your mobile over the grid then there will be no way we will be able to trace what it is doing."

"And how will that that happen without consent?"

"Andy we don't know how it functions and we still don't know what it is capable of. It it entered the 'Galaxia' data center then the whole data may blow up. I had done it over a empty laptop. I will explain the details later."

"Ok. But try to do it as soon as possible."

"The other satellite is launched. I had done in the meantime the first one was moved so make the connection with it."

"Thanks. I will do it."

She did them altogether. Well, that's kind of crazy. Anyways, the commuter had already processed it. The software was just for protection. It can't be used for hacking. Everytime you start it, it's coding gets changed and it provides you a new passcode everytime you enter it. So it will be basically impossible to hack in the device which has this software because for hacking you need to break the code and the code is constantly changing.

"Wow, that's extraordinary. These are just like imaginations coming true. It's still hard to believe."

Hardy had a shocked expression on his face. 

"Then maybe we could use it for a different thing also. "

Akira had a different device. What was that? We followed her down the lab. She took out a different computer set from a cabinet. It seemed pretty modern. She started it. 

There were at least ten locks with each had a code of at least eight digits or alphabets. And she was opening it at such speed that it was nearly impossible to make out which keys she was pressing. The locks were finally open. The screen was void. It didn't had any apps just a scanner. It wasn't scanning her face or palm or anything like that but it was scanning her brain. What was special about a brain. Ther can be some which have nearly the same pattern. I haven't heard anyone saying that each person have a different pattern of brain just like the fingerprints.

The scanning was completed. The results were mind-blowing. There was a chip in her brain. So that was the thing which was different but why would she keep those chips in her brain. She started a different screen which was in connection with the previous one and it was kind of an upgrading system. And that was the upgrade of the brain chip.

She connected it with the laptop and transferred the software to her computer. She deleted it completely from the previous laptop so nobody can have that. From there she transferred it to her mobile. She started ye chip upgrade. There was a slight trace of pain that she was experiencing. Suddenly the pain grew somewhat more intense and she wasn't able to hold herself up. Hardy helped her on the chair. The intensity was growing along with the transfer in that chip. Suddenly out of nowhere I felt a pain in my head. At first I thought that it may be a headache but it started going more and more unbearable and suddenly everything went black.

I woke up after a hour. That's what Hardy is telling me.

"I think it's somehow connected because when the upgrading process crossed the fifty percent level my pain started reducing although it was supposed to increase because everytime I transferred something it would just increase never decrease."

Maybe what Akira was saying was true but why did that didn't happened this time. I don't want anyone's harm but based on her observations something was wrong with this. Hardy was thinking hard over what was happening. 

"And Von losing his control just as the fifty percent line was crossed. Could it be that you and Akira are somehow connected?"

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