Chapter 1 : Sarah Jefferson

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Hi ! Let me introduce myself. My name is Sarah Jefferson and I am 20 years old . Though I am 20 , I am a child at heart . I work at a fast food restaurant. And as a result I don't get paid a lot . And guess what ? My parents fight a LOT . By a lot I mean 24/7, 365 . Ever since I was a kid , I had to ignore their fights . And I was the reason they didn't break it off . They are always grumpy , always in a bad mood , always angry . Not only at each other but  also me . But I have already gotten over it . As a kid , I had  got good grades , good food and somewhat good birthday gifts . The thing is I didn't get gifts but I made my own using the sticks, peatles of flowers , stones , pebbles and pretty much anything from the family garden . I sometimes even stole from other kids and my parents did not care about it at all . I had a weird childhood but at least it was an okay one . I used to read a lot since it was the only thing I could do at home . I was bullied for being a nerd . I don't get it though , being dumb was popular back in the day . I got bullied for about till 5th grade but then I learner to defend myself. But guess what ? I got more and more friends later on in high school. I was the queen bee . It's weird but okay . My childhood was hard but atleast not too hard. 
I am atleast a normal girl studying in university now and I will get the job I always wanted as a kid , a teen and an early adult a DOCTOR ! I know that your all what the hell right now but atleast I will get paid a decent amout of money . Money is all that I dream of right because it's been tight . But I get student loans and a small amount of money at the restaurant . It's just enough to get me something to eat . My mom and dad don't care at all about my life . They just care about themselves . But I love them for teaching me how to talk , eat , read , walk . Wait right that was the nursey . But atleast they kept up with me and made sure that I lived . It isn't much but is a lot to me . Cause I know that so many children have no homes or are hated by their parents so much so that they put them up for adoption or leave them on the street . I feel sorry for those children who have nothing to eat living on the streets feeling like they aren't worth it . Anyway sorry for getting a bit too personal but it's nice to meet you .

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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