Chapter 5

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Joules P.O.V

I stand next to Victoria and hold her hand tight. She pat my shoulder and give me an 'thing-will-be-fine' look

" Yes .... " My dad answer "But if something happen to my daughter I will never allow you guys to even talk to Joules"

I can see Riki and Samuru nod. My dad leave after he talk to them. Samuru and Riki come to us.

"Now we know where is Joukes house. What about yours Vi ?" Asked Riki

"I'll come to Joules house when u guys arrive"  Victoria reply.

"Okaay ..." I say " anyway I need to get in my house so ... Bye". I wave my hand to everyone and get into my house.

Victoria P.O.V

I wave to Riki and Samuru and went home. I have nothing to do for the rest of the day so I decide to just go home and rest.

Riki P.O.V

Samuru and I left Joules' house. We walk arround the city so that we know more about the culture and the direction itself. "I'm somehow interested in Joules ... " I suddenly said that. Samuru suddenly stopped making me realize what I just said. "S-s-samuru I-I mean um ... I like Joules as a friend only" I immediately corrected my sentence. That didn't went really well. Samuru look pissed off and in the end he finally said " I never like Jouled anyway ... She is yours if you want her. ".

I can tell Samuru is angry just from that one sentence. I finally decided to change the topic on other stuff.

For few hours, we keep walking around and we also buy some food from some store. "We should get back home soon." I told Samuru. "Yea " he replied " It is getting late. "

With that, we returned home and did our homework and study to catch-up with some lesson we miss.

~~~~~~~~NEXT DAY~~~~~~~~~

Riki P.O.V

I wake up in the morning at 7.30 am. I look to the other bed and I didn't see Samuru there. Samuru used to be waking up around 8. I jumped out of my bed and I run to the bathroom. I meet Samuru half-way there.

"Hey!" Samuru started the conversation.

"H-hi ... A-am I late ? Why are you so early ??" I asked.

"It is just 7.30 am and we nees to pick up Joules and Victoria today." He simply answer me.

"Are you still mad ??" I nervously ask him

"About what ? If its about yesterday I'm fine with it now." He answered me

"I'm sorry..." I said as I looked down

"Its okay." He reply "everyone have the right to love... Now go and get ready we need to head there soon."

"Okay!" I cheerfully replied as I made my way to bathroom

~~~~~~~~~~~HOURS LATER~~~~~~~~~

Riki P.O.V

We arrived in front of Joules house. I saw Joules and Victoria in front of the house. We approach them immediately.

"Hey there!" Samuru and I said

"Hi!" Victoria and Joules reply

"Lets go shall we ?" I said

Victoria and Joules nod.

Joules P.O.V

As we walk to Samuru and Riki house, I can tell that I somehow walk closer to Samuru and Victoria walk closer to Riki. I don't know how should I put my feeling. I didn't really know about my past and now I somehow felt like I know part of it.

I look at Victoria and Riki. Riki reach out for Victoria hand and I smiled at it. I give Victoria a wink which I'm sure she see it. I look at Samuru and I'm about to reach out for his hand when I feel his hand on my shoulder.

"I know you want me to hold your hand." Samuru whispered lowly

"I-I .... " I blushed and looked away.

"It's okay!" He smiled.

He reacher out for my hand and smiled at me. I started to blush hard when I see his smile. I can feel my heart melt any second now.

I stopped for a while. Samuru also stop and look at me with a confused face. I point at Victoria and Riki. Victoria is blushing and Riki suddenly hug Victoria. We laugh and we walked to them

J : joules, S : samuru, V : victoria, R : riki

J : *fake cough*

V : w-we didn't do anything

R : all we did is just hugging each oth- I-I mean ... I uh ... *blush*

S : we see it ... Don't deny it ...

J : *nod*

R : *blush* fine ... We did it ...

V : *blush harder* Fine ....

We laughed and continued walking to Samuru and Riki's house

---------CLIFF HANGER-------

Sorry for didn't update guys ... Admin didn't have time to update and make a story.
Sorry for grammar and spelling errors too.
Hope you like it ^^

Please comment and vote for the story thanks~

fall for the wrong guyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora