Chapter 1

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Joules' P.O.V

"RRRIIIINNNNGGG" the sound of my alaram clock and I immidiately shut it up. "Uggghhh... I dont wanna go to school...." I mumbled to myself and get back to bed until my dad come barging in my room and shouts "JOULES EVENS YOU WAKE UP THIS INSTANT OR YOU WILL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL AND YOU HAVE ALREADY BEEN LATE TO SCHOOL FOR 3 DAYS IN A ROW!!!" my dad shouts "fiiinnneee.... I will get up.. " I said to my dad..

I woke up and head to the bathroom to take a bath and wear my clothes and i walk down the stairs. I went to the kitchen and sit waiting for my dad to hand me my breakfast but sadly todays breakfast is just the same cereal with some tea with honey. After I eat my breakfast and I bid my dad a good bye.

I walk out of my house and I see my best friend and at the same time she is my neighbour walking out of her house to

"Morning Victoria" I greet

"Morning Joules" she replies me with a confused face

The whole walk is a total awkward silence no one say a word until she suddenly stop.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"I just .... nothing, nevermind me" She replies "Sooo what bring you up early ?"

I still troubled with what she was going to say a while ago. But I decide to wipe it of my head because I know it is something that she don't wanna talk about. I haven't replies her question and still deep in my thought.

"What brings you up so early??" She ask again

"Oh I'm sorry, my dad wake me up way too early today" I reply

"I know you hate school. But why you hate it ? " she ask

"I don't know why exactly I hate school. But yeah I just hate for a lot of people bullies me. Wait maybe that is my reason" I said

Victoria chuckled when she heard me. "And by the way our school open a crossfire arena and there will be a bunch of great b-shot that will train us if we really serious in joining it." She said

Hearing it causes my heart to pump fast and I squeal. I am so interested in joining it.

"So who will be the trainer??" I ask

"I am not sure .... Buuut I think it's gonna be Riki but I'm not sure if Samuru will be there." She replies me

"I AM SO HAPPYY !!! YAY !!" I shout. Then a sudden realization come to me. ' Why did she know about it and I don't ' I wondered

"And also if you are asking why I know and how come you never heard of it is because you late 3 days in a row." She said casually which surprise me. I formed an 'o' and she laughed at it.

The whole talk have to end way too fast. We have arrive in our school. It is a good thing that we have the same class and we are seatmate in my every subject. We enter the class and sit down. While waiting for the teacher to come in, almost everyone in our class disscusing about the two mysterius student that will join our school as student and also b-daman trainer. The bell ring and everyone keep quiet as if nothing had happened.

A/N : Sorry for the short chapter . I have no idea on what I should write again please comment and vote !!!


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