Chapter 8

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Joules P.O.V

"Can you just let this slide for once." I whined " It's holiday! I promise I'll do it tomorrow. " I used my best pleading puppy eyes and stared straight at his eyes.

No response

"Pleasee.." I started again "I pro-"

"Finee." Samuru cut off me in the middle of my sentence and raised his hands as a sign he surrender. "Not that I like to do homework anyway." He mumbles softly to himself.

I gave him a big cheeky smile at his response. His looks seem to soften a little bit but soon replaced with his usual stony face and a light smirk. How I wish I can slap that smirk of his face. He looked at me with an amused smirk. I looked away and went towards the door. As I opened the door, the scent of delicious and nice food flood in my nose. I walked out towards the kitchen and followed by Samuru. Suddenly, my stomach erupted a loud growl signalling me to feed it. I heard Samuru chuckled behind me and in an instance, my face transformed red. One that could rival tomatoes.

"You should see the look on your face Joul." He teased.

I stared at my hand as if it was the most interesting thing on earth. As mad as I felt now, his laughter seems to ease all the anger away. Eventually, I looked at him and smile softly "I'm hungry okay?"

He nodded and grab my hand, leading me towards kitchen. There, I saw Vic and Riki preparing the delicious looking and nice smelling food. Both of them smiled at us and wave at us. I gave them a lazy grin and made my way towards them. They gave me some of my portion of food and then we went to the living room.

Riki switch on the television with the remote while everyone else sat on the sofa, staring at each other while eating.

"This is awkward." I started

"Shut up and eat." came the cold reply

I was shocked at the sudden changes in Samuru's attitude. I opened my lips and was about to ask until I saw the warning in Riki's eyes. Riki shook his head and signaled me to keep my mouth shut and just eat. I was curious and annoyed at this but nonetheless, I keep my mouth shut.

All four of us sat still in the living room with the noise coming from the TV accompanying us four. The cheerful and light atmosphere changes abruptly into a dark and heavy atmosphere the moment Samuru coldly replied me.

I finished my food as fast as I could. The wonderful taste of the food is now bland to me. I stood up from my seat abruptly, causing Riki and Victoria to look at me. But Samuru didn't even glance at me, he contine eating nonchalantly as if nothing changes.

I kept my thoughts to myself. This is just ridiculous, why did he reply me coldly. I made my way to the kitchen and washed the plate. Soon enough, I saw a hint of blue hair walking into the kitchen. Is it Samuru? I was dissapointed when it was Riki. I heave a loud sigh.

"Joules, are you okay?" The concern and worry was evident in Riki's voice.

I smiled in return and nodded my head.

"You are not okay. Why would I even need to ask." He chuckled to himself.

I was shocked at his statement and opened mouth to deny him. But no words spilled out from my mouth as I found myself unable to deny the fact that he was stating. I turned my gaze away from his eyes.

"It is Samuru isn't it?" The question that he asked was more like a statement.

I kept my mouth shut. I kept my silent for a long time. He didn't need an answer, he knew.

"Joules." He called my name.

I looked up at him and tilted my head slightly urging him to continue. However, all he did was shaking his head and muttered. "Nevermind. Next time."

I nodded and went to back to the living room. I was greeted with a shocking scene. There. In the living room. Victoria is kissing Samuru. I was stunned down to the bone. I simply stood there unmoving. The scene took my breath away. I should be happy shouldn't I? Afterall I don't like Samuru.. Do I...? Then why does it hurt so much... Why...? I ran to the terrace in and slammed the door behind me.

"Whats wrong Joules?" A soft voice suddenly came out of the blue.

I shook my head.

There was one silent moment.

"Then tell me, why are you crying?" The voice made itself known again.

My hand immediately shot up to my face. True to his word. My face were wets with tears. I urged them to stop, but no matter hoe much effort I put in, yhe tears won't stop. They kept streaming down like waterfall.

A pair of arm engulfed me in his warm embrace. "Forget it." That was all he said. I looked up at him. He smiled at me. No words were exchanged. We merely stood there in silence while watching the sun set in each other's company.

A/N : Alright minna! I'm not sure if this is the ending that all of you are hoping for this chapter but I'll be adding some plot twist. *wink* *wink* Starting here the story should be more spice up. ;) ;) Also, I want to thank my readers who have been patiently waiting for this story to update and I'm SO SO SO SO SORRY for the super late update. :( ONCE AGAIN! I want to thank all my faithful readers whk stay with me from the start of the story. Love you all :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2017 ⏰

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