Chapter 7

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Mumbo doesn't sound nor look like it, but he can definitely make someone talk in ways only he could come up with. That was what Tango could conclude during his time in the trio's own testing chamber.

And now, he was in his own quarters. Just a simple living space with a bed, comfort room, closet and a desk with a lamp on it. No windows at all. He felt like some kind of prisoner... but with door terminal having just registered his fingerprint, it gave him some peace of mind.

Also, not to mention, this room is much better than his apartment back in the Lower Districts. While his apartment was bigger, it didn't prove to be a sanctuary for him. The walls were thin, the furniture scarce. While heating and utilities didn't disappoint, it wasn't the best either. Just enough to bear you through every day. But at least now, he can sleep without having to endure being an unwilling listener to late-night arguments or other stuff that happens when the lights are out.

And the bed is soft. Back home, it was thin and almost flattened and the metal grates on the bed frame itself was starting to take a toll on Tango's back. He sat down on the bed and appreciated the pleasant surprise of the mattress springing him up in the air.

Sighing, he laid down on the sheets, letting himself be lulled into comfort as the mattress sank underneath his weight. Just as his eyelids were drooping close, two knocks echoed from his door, making him jump up.

He immediately sprang to his feet when more knocks came, as if whoever was on the other side was too impatient to wait even just a few seconds before knocking again. Fumbling to get his hand on the terminal, he slammed his hand onto it and the door beeped, sliding open.

"O-oh." he blinked and stood straight up as Zloy put down his hand. "Yes-"

Tango hadn't even finished his sentence when a tablet was shoved up into his face. He pulled back and nearly got cross-eyed trying to see what's on-screen when the tablet was briefly retrieved and Zloy began to turn.

"W-wait!" he called out. "I hadn't seen anything yet!"

Zloy stopped on his tracks, looking down the hall with an irate gaze before sighing, his eyes softening before he faced Tango again, though it still had some extent of annoyance in it.

"Step aside." he said, though it was more of an order. Before Tango could even comply, he was already barging in, pushing him to the side.


Tango's wrist was grabbed and pressed against the terminal, closing the door. Zloy then let go and walked further into the room, looking around.

"Hey! What the hell is going on?" Tango asked as he rubbed his wrist.

Zloy looked at him. "For an engineer, your brain sure is slow."

Tango slightly reeled back. "Now, hold on for a minute, you-"

"Whatever." Zloy brushed him off, handing him his tablet, though it was more of a shove than anything. The engineer's fingers fumbled with the device for a while, before finally attaining a firm grip. "Read it."

Tango's eyes immediately leafed through the words, his eyes widening in surprise. "I'm... being searched by the Council?"

"Yes." Zloy replied, still looking around warily within the engineer's quarters. "It's not a public memo, but the President is pulling some shady strings behind the strings and some notable Hunters are on the move."

"Hunters?" Tango echoed, before reviewing the message on screen, looking at the sender's name who conveniently named themselves 'Anonymous', with a number that couldn't be replied to anymore. "... Why..."

[DISCONTINUED] Cannibal Society (Hermitcraft AU)Where stories live. Discover now