Chapter 6

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⚠️ Graphic scenes, cannibalism, and strong language ahead. Continue at your own risk. I already warned you at the book description. ⚠️

The High Districts, the place where the richest dwell. Safe from the horrors of the world.

Well, not quite.

The well-maintained concrete streets bustled with ladies and gentlemen dressed in their fanciest wardrobes, various coats and furs dazzling underneath the streetlights in a competition on who could make a statement about their fortune the best. But of course, only ignorant fools would dress in fancy colors. Those who know...

A woman stood in front of double glass doors that had a 'closed' sign hanging by the handles. She used the doors as a mirror, slightly tilting her head to the side and checking out her overall outfit. Sleek black dress with a pearl necklace and a simple, black purse. Nothing too fancy. Simplicity is key.

She tugged her ruby lips to the side in a combination of a smirk and a smile, a subtle hum of affirmation that she looked good. Pushing the doors in, she walked through, leaving them to swing close behind her as her heels echoed in the darkness.

The black velvet curtains brushed against the tips of her fingers when she put a hand forwards into the void. She took hold of them, before parting them to reveal a rather luxurious restaurant lit by a grand glass chandelier hanging in the middle, accompanied by candles on each table. Low chatter hummed in the air as the woman moved gracefully between the guests.

The restaurant was built in an auditorium-like way, cascading floors all spiralling down towards a circle at the lowest level. The guests were all seated in various levels — a full house, as always. Nobody has a plate on their table yet, though the silverware and napkins are already prepared.

The woman sat down at a table on the highest level where two other gentlemen were enjoying the wine they ordered.

"You're late." one of them remarked.

She simply laughed, crossing her legs as she leaned back on her seat. The other man upturned the wine glass reserved for her and poured her a drink. "Don't be silly. If the food hasn't been served yet, I'm not late. And so far, I have never been."

The lights suddenly flashed out, leaving the candles to flicker in the new darkness. Guests immediately quieted down in anticipation as spotlights appeared and focused on the vacant circle down below where a heavy, metal table was bolted onto the floor. A man dressed in a full surgeon gown stepped into the light and pulled down his mask, smiling at the audience and bowing as the guests applauded and cheered.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the man began. "It is always such an honor to see you fill this place night after night without fail. It pleases me to know that there are people who patronize my work, and tonight, I shall cook for you all a sumptuous dinner that will always make you come back for more."

The guests' cheering only grew louder when a shirtless man has been dragged into the light. He tried to yank himself free from his escorts that effortlessly slammed him down onto the table and applied restraints. He yelled and tried to pull at the cuffs that fastened him to the table, to no avail.

"LET ME GO! PLEASE!" he pleaded at the guests who simply cheered and drowned his cries out.

"I am surprised the restaurants can still put up these shows consistently when we've lost multiple warehouses of meat." the lady remarked as she sipped on her wine.

[DISCONTINUED] Cannibal Society (Hermitcraft AU)Where stories live. Discover now