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it had been a month since they were in the coffee shop. Spring was barely settling in. Non of them talked about much from that night. Y/N was still not smoking and for some reason switched for tea instead of coffee wanting to feel healthier. their group was happy. She manly stayed away from Lindsay though not wanting to start anything.

- - -

Y/N was sitting in Lindsays room with her and Kim. She only agreed to go because Kim promised her ice cream after as if she was a toddler. "So? not that it's any of your business brain but i stopped smoking for a month now." Y/N mumbled annoyed, this was the first time she'd been around Lindsay in awhile. "that's crazy? and you're still with Nick? God when i was dating him i couldn't get him to stop." Kim tensed up. "what?" Y/N said shocked, "i was just saying-" Lindsay stammered, "saying that you dated my boyfriend?" Y/N said feeling her face get pink, "it was so long ago? Y/N it meant nothing to me." Lindsay said nervous seeing that she had seen Y/N fight before. Y/N breathed in deep, "okay brain." she got up and grabbed her bag leaving the house not saying a word. "she was my ride home?" kim said awkwardly.

i slammed my car door shut and tilted my head back. i feel humiliated. i want to smack her upside the head she just?? she gets under my skin with her perfect house and family and grades and judging me for smoking before and now i've had her sloppy seconds. i need Elijah. i want to talk to someone before i go off yelling at Nick or Brain.
i drove to his house and smacked the door over and over again,

A sleeping Elijah with bed head opened the door, "it's 8 in the morning Y/N you know i  sleep in." Elijah rubbed his eyes. "Elijah i kind of want to cut? or yell at someone? or cry? or punch someone?!" Y/N slightly rambling said as if her words were connected. "you're buying me coffee." Elijah sighed walking to her car knowing this would be a long talk.

- - -
"you just walked out?! and you got no ice cream?! man that's wack!" Elijah said drinking his ice coffee, "i know! can you believe this?! what do i do? do i confront Nick? why wouldn't he tell me a girl in his group is his ex?!" Y/N sighed looking down at her bagel. "it's cold in here." Y/N wimpier as if she was going to cry. "most coffee shops are?" Elijah warmly smiles, "i called him my boyfriend? we never asked each other out!! like we're together but never really talking about it." Y/N said in a slight panic, "wait how?? i mean y'all are totally boyfriend and girlfriend. you've like been together all school year Y/N plus y'all had sex?" Elijah said, "i guess were together? but we haven't had sex yet. i'm not ready for that" Y/N sighed, "damn? but still that girl judged you! and sat next to you! had you in her home! Nick should've told you at some point?" Y/N listening to Elijah and cutting her bagel in half. she sat quietly for a few seconds. "what if they had sex?" Y/N said about to cry.

"oh my? Y/N even if they did it doesn't matter! he's with you right now! i mean god?! you know what let's get." Elijah got up. "I'm not done with my bagel." Y/N said pointed at a bagel that looked brand new. "you know damn well you weren't gonna eat that shit." Elijah sighed grabbing her hand. "we're going to Nick! no one is gonna make my best friend cry." Elijah huffed stomping to the car.

"it's okay? i mean he's going to think i'm crazy?" Y/N signed getting the car with Elijah. "It is time to act crazy. let go. where is he!" Elijah started Y/N's car. "he spent the night at Kens i'll tell you how to get there."

the whole ride there Y/N could feel her stomach fill up  with butterflies. She kept thinking about Lindsay and Nick kissing and being cute together and why wouldn't he say anything. Y/N thought Elijah was being amazing tho and king of acting like a mom?

I drove up to the street Y/N pointed out and i turned over to her seeing her worried. I felt horrible for her. When i first met her at a December party in the beginning of the year she seemed awkward and shy. and now she's loud and more comfortable around us. she really likes Nick she told me the other day she thinks she might just love him. she's never said I love you to him before that i know of.
"that house." She pointed at a light blue house with lots of bushes in the front yard. "i'm nervous." Y/N smiled weakly at me. "i'm sure it'll be okay Y/N if he hurts you i will roll up." i laughed lightly, "Elijah will you walk with me up there." she looked even more nervous and her face started getting pink.

we walked up to the house and Y/N lightly knocked on the door, i sighed and knocked harder. a few seconds went by and i knocked again, "we don't have to do this." Y/N said awkwardly she tried to walk away and then Ken opens the door. "Hey Y/N? why are you at my house?" Ken said slightly annoyed he looked tired. "uh? hey dude." Y/N said even more awkward and nervous now. "did Nick date Lindsay last year?" Y/N said trying to be more confident. Ken looked shocked. "well? i mean? i'll get Nick." Ken started to seem really awkward. "you got this." i whispered to her. "okay yeah okay i do got this." Y/N whispers back to me and then Nick walked over to the doorframe.

"hey babe? Ken said you really needed to talk to me is something going on?" Nick looked down at me and i felt my heart stop for a second. i sighed looking down at my shoes and then look back up at him "why do you call me babe? you never asked me out? i mean?! did you ask out Lindsay or did you just start kissing and start calling her baby and babe." i could feel myself start to get angry again. he looked hurt now and i felt my heart get heavy. "do you maybe want to come inside?" Nick said looking emotional now.

Elijah and Ken where talking in the kitchen and me and Nick were in the living room. Elijah had told us to try and stay quiet his dad works nights and was sleeping just down the hall. "Y/N what's going on?" Nick looked around the room awkwardly. "why didn't you ever asked me out?" I blushed more, "honestly i just thought it was obvious we were dating at this point?" He sighed running his hand through his hair, "but still you could've. and why didn't you tell me you dated Lindsay? why did no one tell me?" i say down the couch, "well? it was last year and i mean she just didn't really like me. like i'd try and be close with you a lot but it always seemed like something was off." He sat next to me looking at me, "but she's your ex. i don't want to be around your ex." "Y/N you didn't like her before you knew this?" he chuckled, "well now i have more a reason" i sighed "we didn't have sex" he smiled weakly, "i'm just gonna get going Nick" i got up walking to the kitchen to get Elijah, "wait Y/N? come on?" he followed me to the kitchen. "y'all good?" Elijah said softly to me "i don't know" i say grabbing his hand and walking out.

- - -

Elijah walked to the passenger side, "let's just go to my house." Y/N sighed "Y/N why are you so bothered by it? i'm over her you know how much i care about you" He opened Y/N's car door "what are you doing Nick." Y/N sighed trying to close her door again, "will you be my girlfriend." Nick smiled warmly. Y/N looked at him for a second and then leaned forward kissing him softly. after a few seconds Elijah felt awkward, "y'all done yet?"

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