chapter VI: how girls treat each other

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my eyes opened with arms wrapped around me tightly. my alarm clock started and i tried moving away from him to get to the clock. he mumbled "it can wait." i giggled as me pulled me closer to him my chest up against the side of his head while he wrapped around my waist.

"not really?" i smile leaning back over and he huffed with a silly half awake look and stretched out. what on earth am i doing? my mom is gonna see him if she hasn't already. "should we get ready for school?" i say while yawning. he sighed getting up and putting his jeans on. the door swings open and he slammed himself on the floor trying to hide behind my bed. mentally face palming my mom laughed. "oh my god? y/n tell your friend he doesn't have to hide i couldn't care less. you didn't really hide him well last night." -"shit. i'm sorry mom." Nick still stayed hiding till she left the room. i sighed and he looked over at me.

we finished getting ready and he awkwardly ate breakfast not knowing if he should talk or not seeing that my mom seemed so chill with him sleeping in my bed. we got in my car and he sighed "so do you have guys stay over a lot?" he seemed angry? "no why?" i chucked, "because your mom seemed use to seeing a guy in your room." i sighed now seeing what he meant. feeling slightly hurt i couldn't blame him my mom was always okay with guys being over. this was the first time it was more then just a "sleepover" with my guy friends that had a secret which was feeling more attracted to my dad then me. i don't know if my mom knew he was there for me? i tried explaining it and he still seemed confused about it.

we pulled into the parking lot. people looked as we walked out of my car he saw his friends and walked over to them. i told him i was gonna head to class already and he said bye quickly. i felt pushed off. his guy friends looked at me and smiled. but not a nice smile? a forced smile that said 'we know what y'all did' he pushed one of them jokingly while the tall blonde girl started looking at me annoyed. i sighed softly and felt exposed for something i thought was good? maybe i was wrong. things went too fast. he's not gonna want me. feeling overwhelmed i tried pushing those feelings down and headed to english.

after english Nick tried following me to class but i rushed through the crowd of teens and got to my next class feeling hurt. i want to smoke but i know it's stupid so i just head to art 2. we get to draw whatever we want today in our sketch books since we had a sub. i feel like i'm not gonna get many good grades yet? i walked out not knowing what to do since it's lunch now? i walk out the school to get to my car and the tall girl from before bumps into me making me fall on my back as well as her.

"the fuck dude?" she said annoyed, "oh i'm so sorry!" i say putting a hand out for her and then she sees it's me i guess and got up herself. "you're that girl that had sex with Nick right? aren't you new?" she smirks. i could hear her judgement lacing every word together but 'sex' felt like a slap in the face? we did stuff but not that. "i-it's my second day but we didn't-" i start talking nervous and scared now. "well you went fast?" she laughed "i'm Kim. look Nick probably isn't about you? seeing that you're like what in the 8th grade?" she laughed before walking away. i felt my heart drop and i walk to my car feeling so confused why she thought we had sex. unless that's why she was staring at me this morning? Nick wouldn't lie would he? i don't really know him. my heart felt like it was in my stomach. i felt my eyes water up while getting in my car.

i lay my head back and try to stop crying. why am i crying. what's the point in crying? he's a asshole for that and i shouldn't care. but it's only my second day at this dumb school i don't want people thinking that about me? he made me feel good. he made me laugh. i was so stupid? i had just met him i should've fucking known this would happen?

i spend my lunch crying in my car trying to hide my face when a teacher walked to get something from their car or a teen was trying to skip school. i start seeing students walk into the school from the benches outside and the bleachers in the back. i sigh feeling my heart grow heavier. i'm sure not many people know. just his friend group? why would he lie about me? i guess it was easy to lie about someone no one knows.

walking in chemistry i take my seat and talk to the teacher for the first half since i skipped her class yesterday. doing my work i felt three girls looking at me. "what?" i say confused, "nothing?" one with wavy long brown hair laughed. "fine" i mumbled hearing them then whisper,

"i heard she slept with one of those freaks?" - "the tall one? yeah i heard she did it in a parking lot?" - "who even is she? she probably has something like a sex disease?" - "that's so gross? she's so easy then?"

my eyes now glossy. i pulled my sleeves to my hoodie to cover my hands and pulled my hood over my head while i finished the last packet. i'm only younger by them by what a year? but i suddenly felt like the young weirdo and now the young, weirdo, slut. their words hurt so much even though it wasn't true. but explaining to a group of girl's who have their minds set that i'm a slut that we messed around but didn't have sex. it seemed useless. 

the bell went off and i walked over to the teacher and asked if she could tell me where i could find my photo journalism class. she was helpful and sweet. i walked through the hallway. i just wanted to go home and curl into bed. i keep my head down and feel someone tap my shoulder. i turn to see one of the girls from Nicks friend group. "please leave me alone?" she looked worried now but i just didn't wanna get more shit for something i didn't think was even gonna happen. i didn't plan it? "i-i'm Lindsey. i just wanted to say sorry! i've heard some stuff, i just wanna say i don't think Nick meant for this to happen." she seems sweet but knowing that she probably heard the same things those girls and that girl Kim have heard and think. i felt like she was just pitying me. i scoffed, "i could care less. he's a dick and what really happened doesn't matter to him. so why should it matter to me?" i say pulling my shoulder away from her grip and walking into photo journalism.

nicks pov:

i sat down at my seat for fourth period and had the biggest headache. after talking to Daniel and Ken they told some guys i did it with y/n? i felt grossed out by the fact that my friends thought it was funny. but it doesn't matter i doubt y/n heard anything. it was just some dumb guy stuff? it's not like we had sex. i pulled out the notebook i had for this class and wondered if y/n was gonna show. i don't know her well but skipping school seemed to be something she was into yesterday? i see her walk in and it looks like she's been crying. she sees me and looked nervous and then walked straight to the teacher and weakly smiles at him. he talked to her for awhile and she goes to sit at a desk. i wave at her and smile and she gave me her middle finger?

i walked over to her desk once the class had been working for a little. "hey y/n?" i smile looking at her notes. "what the hell do you want?" she kept her eyes locked on her paper. "uh? to talk? you didn't talk during first period? and you look like you've been crying." i say still looking down at her. "why does it matter? leave me the fuck alone!" she spit now looking up at me, her eyes glossy and her cheeks red. "what did i do? did i do something last night? i thought we were good? i thought you wanted that stuff?" i say now confused and scared i did something wrong. "oh my god? what did you do? you think you can just lie about me? why? because i'm in a lower grade? i'm new? or was it so you could just look cool to your friends" she said quickly and angrily. it then hit me that the guys must've said more then i thought? i didn't know what to say and just stood there feeling like i just got slapped across the face i was so shocked?

she went back to writing and looking up at the board with notes for our next project. she kept her head low. i still just stood over her feeling like a complete jerk "y/n?" she kept her head down but said, "i suggest you walk away from my desk before i grab one of those cameras and throw it at your already massive head." her voice was monotone. i walked back to my desk wanting to scream at my friends now. i liked her a lot? she doesn't even wanna look at me? i wouldn't lie about what happened?

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