Chapter 13

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After school period, Jessica ran to meet Jess at the school parking lot, she got in just as Kristin came out of the school building, Jess started the car and they followed Kristin.

" she is somehow limping " Jessica observed

" I noticed " Jess said keeping his eyes on the road.

It got to a place where Kristin passed between two houses, Jessica got down with her phone and followed on feet updating Jess where she was,  when Jess got to the main road  Jessica waved him over and they went on.
They saw Kristin stopped in front of a small apartment, she hesitated before going in.
Jessica turned to Jess with a satisfied look " that was quite easy"

" satisfied? "

" yes, we can go home now, we know where to find her"

The following day, Kristin walked into the class, the one she has with Jess and luckily Troy and Rand, she took her seat in the front of the class not wanting to sit beside Jess and repeat what she did the other day.
The bell rang and students came into the class, someone stopped in front of her and Kristin gingerly looked up to see the chicks giving her death glare

" up"

" w... What? " Kristin squaked

" you are sitting on my seat! " Batrics one of them said
She was the second in command, she was dressed in a tight tank  top and pants with her over small jacket.

" stand the hell up from my seat" she yelled at Kristin.

" I noticed your name written on that seat ' Troy commented laughing.
The chicks frowned at him for supporting Kristin

Kristin did not want any problem for herself not even in her present condition, she was getting up when their teacher came in and the chicks pushed her far away to the back seat.
She sat down while they dumped her bag beside her, Troy and Rand gave her a sorry look, she just smiled at them, she could feel fresh pain from her wound. She calmed her racing heartbeat when a familar scent reached her and she jerked her head to the left.
  She saw Jess sitting down while staring at her, she squired under his intense stare.
Through out the class she could feel Jess looking at her making her uncomfortable, luckily she didn't fall asleep on his shoulder.
She later stole a glance at him to find him typing on his phone in frustration, after some minutes he slammed his hands on the table making a big BANG noise.
  All heads turned to look at him, well after noticing where their gaze were Kristin flushed, why where they staring at her?
She wasn't at fault here!

" any problem Miss Morgan? " the teacher asked

" em, I I am sorry sir"

" If you are that bored of my class you can as well walk out" the once friendly teacher barked at her, clearly he was not also having a nice day.

" sorry sir" she apologized.  The lesson went on after the chicks gave a thumbs down, she crawled back in her seat.

" why did you do that? " someone whispered in her ear.

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