Chapter 1

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Alyssa POV (Ten Years Later):

I winced as my backpack slipped from my back onto the floor. It landed with a thud on the tiles I stood on. As I sat down, students began filing past me to their desks. I tugged my hood tighter around my face and slouched into my seat, knowing what was coming next.

"Hey Ally!" My bubbly blonde haired friend bounced into the room and past me. I slumped my head down so it smacked the desk and let out a groan. I can't do it today.

"Hey Car," I mumbled, brushing my brown hair away from my face with my fingers.

"Oh don't act so happy to see me," she said with a smile as she sat down at the desk next to me. I only groaned in response.

"It's Monday morning. I'm not happy to see anyone," I grumbled into the desk.

"Fair enough," she replied with a chuckle, pulling her workbook out of her backpack and setting it on her desk. I jumped slightly when the bell rang, before I grudgingly sat up at my desk. I leaned over slowly to pull my homework and notebook out of my backpack and gritted my teeth against the pain.

"Good morning class. I'll be taking attendance now so listen for your name." Bored of listening to her as she called out names, I began sketching in my notebook.

I made sure to add extra details. A pointed beak. Then strong, full wings; a bird mid-flight.

The creature was a phoenix.

Strong and independent, yet graceful. Powerful, and beautiful at the same time.


My train of thought was interrupted and my pencil came to a stop as I heard a name I didn't recognize.


"Here," a low voice called from behind me. I glanced at Caroline before we both turned and peered curiously at the row after ours.

The new kid at the desk behind mine wore a black hoodie and jeans, and was slouching comfortably in his chair. His dark hair fell over his eyes as he wrote in his notebook.

Almost as if he could feel our gazes, he looked up from his notes and met my eyes. I quickly turned back around in my chair and winced as a sharp pain filled my ribs. I bit my lip and let out a slow breath as the pain subsided.

I looked over to see if Caroline had noticed, but she was busy writing something down on a piece of paper.

The teacher had finished attendance and was beginning the history lesson when a small folded paper flew onto my desk. I quickly covered it with my hand and, keeping an eye on the teacher, I cautiously opened the note.

Austin is so cute! Can he please sit with us at lunch?!

I glanced over at Caroline, who was watching the teacher, then back at the note.

Sure, if he wants to. You have to ask though. I folded the note up and discreetly passed it to her. I watched her read it from the corner of my eye, then excitedly begin to write another note.

She waited until the teacher wasn't looking to casually toss the paper at the desk behind me. To avoid drawing unwanted attention to us, I didn't turn around to see his reaction.

I nearly jumped out of my seat when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I attempted to calm my rapid heart rate as I turned around slowly. Austin wore a blank, almost bored expression on his face and without turning his gaze from the teacher, he handed the note to me. I turned back around carefully, so as not to hurt my ribs, and opened it.

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