Man Behind The Heart Disease

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"Man, that voice message gave me the hibbie jibbies." You shudder recalling the cryptic message that just blasted through the camera room at your new security job inside Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Parlor. Sending a weary gaze at the fuzzy security screens you make a silent prayer that none of these horrific animatronics move. You shrug and recline in your seat, "harrumph, animatronics moving? That's bullshit the man that left that voice message must be some kind of liberal snowflake, I guess he's trying to scare me out of his 'safe space'." You scoff and glance back at the cams. Huh? That's strange you could've sworn that there was a Pirate Fox animatronic standing next to the rest on stage. Your heart sinks, behind you there's a shuffle but before you can even scream a man claps his clammy hands around your delectable mouth. "Helllllllo you must be new here, I would've remembered seeing such a beautiful frightened face like yours before." The man purred into your red hot ears. In an attempt to escape, you fling your limbs around aimlessly, however from your right a giant Pirate Fox jumps out and pins you to the chair forcing your arms together so that you can't move them. "Now then, why don't we take a little field trip to the pizza parlor." the man chuckled. Just as he said this your stomach rumbles like an earthquake causing the man behind you to loosen his hand in surprise. "Oh what's all this then? Seems as though my suggestion was correct, you really can use a bite to eat ;);)."
Without so much as a fight, the Fox and man drag you into the pizza parlor where three other sinister animatronics stand surrounded by heaping piles of pizza pies. With this, they throw you onto the countertop and you can finally get a good look at the man behind all of this. He is tall and purple, pixelated to all hell but still kind of hot if you ask me. "Now then my small delicate flower, hows about we add some fat to those bones." The purple guy shrieked in laughter as he opens a pizza box and takes a gooey slab of pizza out. "N-no, I can't eat pizza, it goes all to my thighs, please I've worked too hard on my glutes!" You plead to no avail. The purple guy slides up to you like a fowl snake and stuffs the pizza pie into your gaping mouth. You want to resist and tears well up in your eyes, but you just can't it's a so a good. You masticate the Italian delicacy and you feel it, heavy, travelling down your throat. "More? Do you want more? Is that what I'm hearing?" The purple man teased and placed a clammy hand on your stomach as he shoveled in more and more oily pizzas. The grease dropped down your already enlarged cheeks, so full that you can't even protest. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that's what I like to feel, your stomach has grown quite a lot since we've started my little piglet. Wouldn't you say guys?" He turned to the animatronics who hum in compliance. Worriedly you look down, your quadruple chins offer resistance, and realize you can't even see your knees anymore, Jesus, how far is this man willing to go? The man behind the heart disease feeds you more and more until you feel you're going to pop. "Oh what's this? You can't take anymore pizza? Well I hope there's room for one more guest at least." Wait, what did this man just say? Guest? A look of petrified fear fills your face as the man dressed in purple opens your mouth so wide, it's a surprise that your jaw didn't rip clean off. "Now don't worry I'm just like everybody else," purple guy pauses to exclaim, "I step into my host one foot at a time." And with that he places a foot so far down your throat you feel you may throw up. Then the next foot, and to your surprise, soon his whole body follows and he burrows himself snug into your fleshy prison. God it feels so weird but oddly...pleasant? You see a fist outlined and it brings you bliss as if watching your own child kick from inside your womb, pure ecstasy floods your body. Man, you're gonna need a raise.

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