redoing shit from when i got tagged! TW!! SH

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i was looking back and i got tagged and did one of those things awhile back but shit has changed so my not redo it! TW!! SH

1. any scars?? hm yes many from being clumsy and sh!

2. every s3lf h4rm3d? yes , lots as a kid but now im clean for just under a week ! ist a work in progress lmao

3. crush? nope! single and lonley as shit doe

4. kissed anyone? sure im not going into detail

5. coke or pepsi? coke.

6. someone you hate? many people , exs , my mom

7. best freinds?? ive got too many tp count 15 off the top of my head but only four im v close with!

8. done alcohol? no. always had to deal with drunks so rather not.

9. done drugs? yes.

10. dream job?? ummm forensic pathology (i hope i spelled that right) the job of figuring out how dead people died p much , pays well , and i like problem soling n death and gore dosnt scare me.

11. ever been in love? yes , never again always fuck shit up.

12. last time you cried? earlier today , blame homestuck songs.

13. fav color? cant choose green , purple , or blue doe! they all relate to my kins lol

14.height?  5'2 ... still maybe 5'2 idk

15. birthday? may 6th wont say my age or year

16. eye color? green/hazel

17. hair color? natrualy dark brown currently black/brown and ligh purple n pink 

18. what do you love? vriska . dog . and my v close freinds!

19. obbsesion? mystic messenger , homestuck , othee shit im not gonna name

20. do you love someone? platonicly? yes. romanticly? no

21. kiss or hug? both darling

22. nickname? used to get called peachy , although i go by venus usally not my real name!

23. fav song?? hmm vriska an apology fan song!!

24. fav band? slipknot

25. worst thing ever? when i hurt the people i love and care about and bees

26. best thing ever? vriska , nepeta , 707 , the people i care and love

27. near death experiences? TW!! times ive attempted , and i awmost got drowned once

28. ever dated? many times ig 

29. worst mistake? hurting ones i love(ed) and care(d) about on acident

30. special talents? not being able to shut up , i will ramble about wars and history and murder n gore for forever

31. someone you can tell everything to? hmm no one because trust issues

32. ever lost a loved one? yes , grandma she was so sweet always didnt care who i  would marry in the future as long as they loved me! while she was dying she always told me that i care for  1 parents , then sigifant , then other always meant alot she said sigifant other not husband!

33. do you belive in love? yes

34. somoene you hate? the list could go on forever , mostly my mom

35. are you ok? currently im as far away from being ok as possible tbh 

please excuse all my bad spelling and grammar im not the best with that!! ummm hope all you assholes have a good day!

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