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Pentious and Angel walked hand In hand. They got many lookes from many demon. The pair didnt really pay no mind. They were in their own world. They stopped at a local pet store. Were Angel was greeted, He got some things for fat nuggets. Pentious helped by selecting some very cute outfits for him. "Darling look.! Thisss would look so dashing on fat nuggtesss." Angel looked up from the counter "oh my fucking God. That is cute. Were taking it." Pentious had called for some egg bois to carry all the bags.

After they went to a dressy tailoring place. Pentious was gracefully greeted. Pentious made sure to get some measurements done for a few new suits. Angel gave much input. "Ya see here. He has a really slim waist with a big ass, so infisise it right here." The tailer looked at Pentious wondering if thats really what he wanted. Pentious glared at him. "well what are you waiting for. Did you not hear the instructionsssss." Pentious hissed as his hood flared up. The tailor jumped a bit, trembling now. He gulped hard. "Yes Mr. Pentious sir." Once done, Pentious helped Angel up on the platform and motioned the tailor to get his measurements. "What gives?" Angel asked as he looked at himself in the mirror. "I'm going to buy you a sssuit. I know you dont mind indulging in all kindsss of fashion. Ssso I think it would be lovley if you have a nice sssuit." "Aw thanks babe." The tailor began to take his measurement. He tried to get his arms around Angels upper torso but was stopped in his track by Angel's breast. The tailor starred. "You like what you see?" Angel smirked with a giggle. He then heard Pentious hiss in the background. He could feel his glare on him. "Ok all done." The tailor yelped. "Your suits will be delivered some time this week Mr Pentious. Have a lovely day." The pair left hand in hand. "Bye snuckums." Angel gave a flirtatious wave goodbye. The tailor gave a weak smile afraid to be seen.

Finally Angel headed to one of his favorite sex shops. "Angel!" A small imp jumped up from behind the counter greeting him. "Heeey trixie." Angel flirtatiously replied. "...and you must be Sir Pentious. Iv heard so much about you." Pentious raised a brow a tad confused as to how she new who he was. Trixie quickly pulled out a magazine cover. On the cover it had a photo of Pentious and Angel. With a a description that read. "lover? or another boy toy in the everyone's favorite spiders web?" Pentious opened up to the article and started reading. "Renounded porn star Angel Dust, has been spotted all over town with self proclaimed cobra kin pin Sir Pentious. Angel has been spotted entering and leaving his home all hours of the day, and vise versa. But with our pornstars reputation for his love of wealthy men. Is Sir Pentious another walking bank account. Or has our unlikely eledible bachelor finally been scooped up? Join us here for updates on the fiasco." Pentious hissed, as his hood up flared in agitation. "How dare..." Angel grabbed Pentious and kissed him. Calming him down. He could tell pentious wasn't used to all the commotion. "You know something i learned in this buisness a long time ago. Never listen to the shit that people say, write or report on unless it strait from you. It has to come strait from the horses mouth. Especially when you know it's not true. I love you penty. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise unless it's from me." Pentious smiled. Feeling better about the whole thing.

Angel turned around to continue his shopping. "so what's new?" Trixie guided Angel toward her new selections. Pentious blushed as he looked around. He had never been inside an adult store before. He saw many things. A lot of them he did not understand. He layed his eyes upon some pink lingerie. He thought of how cute Angel would look in it. He grabbed it. Feeling the texture. "What you got their?" Angel asked as he looked around Pentious. Pentious hood flared a bit surprised. "Well i thought you would look nice in it, and ummm... " Angel giggled as he grabbed the lingerie. "Its cute. Ok I'll let you get it, aaand I'll wear it tonight." Angel teased with a small kiss. Pentious bought the outfit. Angel bought a few things as well. "Bye doll face, see ya when I see ya." Angel called out. "Byeee!" Trixie yelled.

Last but not least they headed to the cafe were it all started. Pentious opened the door for Angel. The manager was out front, and was quick to notice him. "Well if it isn't Angel Dust, how can we be of service." The manager grabbed Angel's hand, and kissed it a couple of times. He then heard a loud hiss. Pentious quickly removed Angel from him and stood inbetween the two. His hood flared. And standing tall to his full height. The manager adjusted his collar. Sweating a bit now. "Oh Sir Pentious. I didnt see you. I humbly apologize. I didn't know you were togrther." Pentious eyes narrowed. As he slithered closer. He dusted off the managers shirt and grabbed his tie adjusting it. "Well it'sss quite alright, but you do know now. Sssso it would mean a great deal if from now on you respected my lovely Angel...unlessss..." Pentious tightened his tie real tight "...you want to sssee my constrictive ssside." Pentious hissed. Angel starred at pentious a little turned on by his protective display on his behalf. Angel placed a hand on pentious shoulder "darling I'm hungry." Pentious quickly calmed down and let go of the manager. The manager scared out of his mind quickly took them to their table in the VIP section. "And if you need anything please dont hesitate to ask." With that said the manager quickly dissapeared. Angel laughed. "Wow, I never had anyone defend my honer like that. Your hot when your being protective. It turns me on." Pentious blushed. As he grabbed Angel's hands. "I do apologize. I'm familiar with your work, and I fully undessstood many, many people have seen you in intamit wayssss. To be honest I cant sssay I like it all that much." Angel frowned a bit. "Penty baby you know that's just work. Those fuckers don't mean anything. Besides i choose you. You mean more to me than those dumbass actors." Pentious looked down a bit "I know, I promised i would never stop you from dowing what you do. But what bugsss me most is how handsssy they think the can get with my Angel." Pentious hissed. "Awww penty. Tell you what, you can beat up anyone who tries to flirt with me, or gets to handsy. Once I'm all riled up watching you, I'll take care of you." Pentious grinned. "Oh well in that cassse. I wouldn't mind keeping some of hell's ssscum in check." Angel giggled. "I love you penty." As he gave pentious a kiss. "I love you to my dove. How about we get out of here, and head to my place. Ssso I can show you how much I love you." And with that the couple heaed out the cafe. This time in eachothers embrace.


Sir Dust. An unexpected love story(Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now