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Angel walked into the cafe, he removed his sunglasses, and fluffed his hair as he waited for the host. He was immediatly recognized by some of the staff. Who quickly alerted the manager. The manager came out from the back room of the cafe. he extends a hand to Angel. Angel gracefully takes it "If it isn't the one and only Angel Dust, you grace us with your presence."  As the manager kisses it. Angel grins "well it's nice to see I have fans even in such charming establishments."

The manager proceeds to lead Angel to a more private area of the cafe. Where the vip are placed, so as not be disturbed. "This way my dear." Angel takes a seat at his table and picks up his menu, the manager introduces the waiter to Angel "If you need anything, anything at all just let your waiter know." "Thanks hot stuff." Angel took out a compact mirror to freshen himself up. As he looked in the small reflection, his smile soon become a slight frown, but quickly turned into a smirk as he saw the king pin from the reflection.

Angel stood from his seat, walking over to Sir Pentious table. Sir pentious looked deep in thought at some plans he was drawing up. Angel sat down next to Pentious, his legs shifting around, catching Pentious eyes. Pentious looked at his legs slowly looking up, admiring the long black sexy boots. The small waist, cute dress, and a great pair of dugs. Pentious in a daze over the figure. Until he saw who he was gawking at. Angel gave a little flirtatious wave with his fingers. Pentious hood flared in anger. He stood up angrily "What do you want? You arachnid freak." Pentious hissed. Angel calmly smiled. "Just looking for something good to eat any recommendations?". "Oh, well the..." Pentious caught himself before finishing his sentence. "Figure that out youssself!" Pentious began to slither away. "Come on Penty, dont leave... why don't you join me for lunch?" Pentious raised a brow looking at Angel disconcerted at his offer. "And why would I do that?" Inturupted by Pentious growling stomach. Angel giggled a bit, and motioned for Pentious to join him.

Pentious hesitated a moment, but decided to join the spider demon for lunch. "Good choice to join a lady to nice lunch... huh... a nice little date." "Yes well..." Pentious stopped mid sentence realizing what Angel said "Date..." Pentious repeated as he blushed ever so slightly. "Sure a date." Even though, I do have some buisness to talk to you about." Pentious studdered a bit "T-thisss is... not... a d-date..." Pentious regained his composure, "You interrupted my afternoon. Why would I ever agree to go on date with you? You're a whore with no classss and it's all you will ever be good at. I dont think anything else could be able to fit in that small mind of yoursss." Angel bit his lower lip, upset by Pentious remarks. "You dont know anything about me." Even though Angel was technically a whore, it still stung every now and then when people belittled him. "Oh pleassse I've heard all about you, you were a whore in life and died a whore just to continue being a whore now. No better than what you were or ever will be." Angel stood up angrily, his eyes glossy, almost teary. He grabbed his bag and began to walk away. Pentious starred at Angel as he walked away. He hadn't anticipated such a reaction from Angel. His remarks were usually met with equally disdainful and witty remarks. But this time he actually felt bad about what he said to Angel.

Pentious stood up and quickly slithered after Angel. "Angel... wait!" Angel ignore him and kept walking. Pentious sped up his slithering and past Angel. stopping him in his tracks. "Angel pleassse... allow me to apologize..." Angel had his sun hat covering his face. You could hear small whimpers coming from him. Angel simply shoved his way past the snake demon, moving him out of his way, not facing him once. "Just leave me alone you poorly packed sack of horse shit!" And stormed off. Pentious stared at Angel as he walked away feeling guilty about the whole array.

Sir Dust. An unexpected love story(Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now