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Sorry if the picture sucks. Maybe I will draw them in computer later. So I can add better details.

Pentious couldnt help but feel bad about what he had said to Angel. He never really cared about the spider demon or his feelings, but it was different when he saw the tears in his eyes. It's not like they were friends. He didnt really have any other friends. He didnt even really socialize. The only other living beings he had were the egg bois. Besides they were mortal enemys. He shook his head trying to compose himself, reminding himself about the turf war. He pushed the whole incident aside and decided to go on with his day.

He slithered by a park, and decided to take a little detour. The park near his home was one of his favorites. It had a big lake, and many trees covered in beautiful blossoms. Plus he would catch ducks and have them as snacks here and there. He stood against a tree, lost in thought, as he starred at hell's bright red sky. He could hear someone crying from around the corner. He peeked to see whom it might be, and his eyes widen to see angel dust. Angel stood by a small bridge, hells red rays hit him just right, and the wind made some of the blossums from the tree fall over him, also making his sundress flow nicely. Pentious felt his heart beat get little faster. He hid behind the tree, feeling flustered. He didnt understand why he would feel anything other than anger towards Angel Dust. But guilt started to rise in his stomach. He decided to be a true gentleman and apologize for his rude comments. He stood up to his full length, dusted his coat, and adjusted his living hat. Then slithered around the corner towards Angel Dust.

Angel was lost deep in thought. unaware of the snake coming towards him. "Uh-hum..." Sir pentious cleared his thought, catching Angel's attention. Angel looked up, embarrassed to be seen in such a state. He turned to walk away, but Pentious grabbed his wrist "wiat!...pleassse..." Angel turned to glare at him a bit annoyed. Sir pentious emediatly let's go of Angel's wrist, a bit frightened, he could feel the tension coming from Angel. "I just wanted to sssay...well...I'm sssorry. Your usually so quick to rebutle at my insultsss, that it never did crossss my mind that I would actually hurt your feelingsss." Angel continued to glare at pentious, his eyes narrowed, arms crossed. "I know we are enemy's, but maybe we could put that behind usss and I dont know.... maybe hang out once in awhile, it would be nice to have a friend." Sir pentious smiles shyly unsure of himself. Pentious rubbed his shoulder uncomfortable with the silence. angel once again quite simply looked at pentious, not saying a word. Pentious felt anxious and nervous. "well I guessss I better get going." as he turned around and started to slither away. "Hey...were do you think your going!?" Angel yelled. "I thought we were gonna hang out!?" Pentious confused to hear that angel accepted his offer. "You... you wanna hang out with friendsss? but we are enemys." Sir pentious asked with a bit of excitement to his voice. "I dont know about friends...yet, and your the one to talk, I never saw you as an enemy, I was just helping my girl buddy out, but I wouldnt mind getting to know you...your funny, and at least your not boring, and if I dare say it...kinda cute, so why not?" angel replied with a shrug. Sir pentious eyes got big and glossy "really!", sir pentious was happy to have made a single friend even if it was angel dust.

"Well what do you wanna do? talk or something" angel asked, looking kinda uncomfortable. He was new to the whole direct approach to friendship. He was never asked to be a friends, he kinda just knew people and stuck around them. Pentious looked just as uncomfortable, but excited all at once. "Sure if you would like", they both just kinda stood their. leaning on the bridge railing. "So at the cafe you sssaid you had important businessss with me, what exactly was it?" Angel thought to himself for a moment. He had forgotten about Charlie's invitation. "oh ya, so the princess of hell, Charlie has invited you to try and stay at the hotel and you know... rehabilitate." Pentious raises a brow. "why would I do that?" Angel put his hand on the back of his head, and sighed. "I know, I know, but Charlie has the whole vision, and you owe her one. you kinda blew up a side of the hotel." Pentious hood flared up in agitation "well Alastor blew up my ship with me in it!" Angel felt a little bad "true, truue, how about you owe me one... as a friend." Pentious smiles a bit. He said friend. He thought to himself, but he was still unsure of the whole thing. "I'll think about it." Angel shrugged "hey at least I tried." It got late and the wind started to pick up a bit, so much that it caused Angel to shiver. Sir Pentious took off his coat and draped it over Angel. "here I wouldnt want you to get sick." Angel blushed. "wow, what a gentlman." Angel smiled as he placed a hand on pentious arm. Pentious heart started to pound hard. Pentuois smiled devilishly, "well is there any other way to treat a lady?".

They both giggled. They talked for hours, but like many good things, it had to come to an end. "Well its getting late. I should head home." Pentuous was a bit sad to hear that. "You know it dangerous to walk home this late. mind if i escort you?" "na it's alright, after all I can handle myself just fine." Angel growled as his smile became toothy and his third set of arms came out with a machine gun. Pentious starred in amazement at Angel. He loved his aggresive side. "But I wouldn't mind being the one to be escorted for once, So sure." Sir Pentious extended his arm to Angel. Angel took hold, as they walked towards the hotel. They reached the steps of the hotel. "Thanks for walking me home sugar." Angel smiled. "You are truly welcome." Angel started to walk towards the door. "Oh umm...Angel...about those things i said. Again I'm sorry, you may have a riska way of living, but I shouldn't judge you for it. You truly are remarkable creature." Angel blushed "thanks babe, it really means something to have the king pin himself compliment me in a such a manner, you ain't so bad yourself.  try to loosen up a bit. you know take a break from taking over hell...niiight." Angel winked at the snake demon before heading in.

Sir Dust. An unexpected love story(Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now