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It was an unusually hot day in hell. Angel decided to wear a light pink sundress, with white stripes, a cute matching sun hat, and a pair of sunglasses. He couldn't forget his signature black boots. He strolled down town, getting looks from demons all around. A whistle from wolf demon came from around the corner, wolf demon was nothing special to look at, he was a tall, slightly built dog, he had one green eye and one yellow eye, he looked kinda scruffy, mangy even, but Angel was an attention whore, showing how his looked could drive anyone crazy.

"Hey baby, looking good." Angel grinned wide showing off his golden tooth. "You know it dog daddy." As angel continued walking by Wolf demon walked up to Angel, grabbing angel by the wrist hard, placing a finger under Angel's chin, "Why dont you show me a good time? I promise to be gentle sweetness... or not." Wolf's demon smile grew, angel smirked in respons, he gave wolf demon a seductive gaze, stepping closer to the demon, placing one of hands on his shoulder, and the other on his chest, slightly rubbing it, wolf demon stepped back, a bit surprised that Angel took to his cat calls.

As Angel gets closer, and closer, almost an inch from wolf demon lips, wolf demon closes his eyes preparing himself for Angel's sweet lips. Angel then knees him in the groin. Wolf demon let a sharp squeal, letting go of Angel's wrist, Angel pulls him close by his collar, as wolf demon whimpers, slowing slumping to the ground, "you could never handle somone like me you poorly dressed poodle." Angel let go of wolf demons shirt and kept on walking by, he turned one more time to blew a kiss at the pathetic dog curled up on the floor.

Trying to make up for the rest of his day. He spots a cafe, not really his cup tea, but the whole ordeal with wolf demon left him a bit peckish, and a nice meal would go down nicley with a cold mimosa, or just the memosa.

Sir Dust. An unexpected love story(Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now