Chapter 1: Daughter to a Demon

Start from the beginning

"M-my apologies Father...we were taking a short break, considering the fact that we've worked the entire day without a single break, and..." She held up her bare hands. They were cut up from the thorns of the roses, bruised from the tools she used and dirty for reasons that are obvious, "...I forgot to hang out my gloves after washing them yesterday, a-and my hands have taken quite the toll."
Sebastian's tone softened slightly, and he uncrossed his arms.
"That was rather imprudent of you, my dear," He sighed, a small smile coming to his lips as he approached his daughter, placing an arm around her shoulder.
She leaned into him tiredly, and he found it in him to not reproach the two of them for the day. They were weary, and he knew better than to work his fellow servants beyond their capabilities.
"Alright then, I suppose I can spare you both the lecture," He decided as he drew short circles on (Y/n)'s shoulder with his hand, "It's best you two come inside, it is getting dark after all. Your evening chores await you."

"Yes sir," The two gardeners sighed as they hopped up from off the bench and began inside, alongside Sebastian.

They were relieved to know that their big day was nearly over. All that was left to do was a few small chores about the Manor and they'd finally be able to take a bath and go to bed. And luckily enough for (Y/n), she had a caring father who was willing to clean up the small injuries that her hands bared from the hard day of work, even though it was her fault that they were even present in the first place. But then again, what kind of a butler would he be if he couldn't fix his own daughter's simple injuries up?


"You really should learn to be a little less impetuous, (Y/n)," Sebastian sighed as he ran a warm, wet cloth over the said, (Y/n)'s, hands, sat beside her at a table in the servants quarters with his chair facing hers.
"I wouldn't call it being impetuous, father. I'm just...a little neglectful, maybe," She debated in a soft, tired voice, staring down at her hands as Sebastian worked on fixing them.
"In saying that, there's a fine line between being impetuous and being neglectful. In my opinion, it'd be best if you were neither," He demurred as he placed the cloth on the table before picking up a pair of silver tweezers and letting the girl's hands rest in his lap, now looking to pull out any splinters he could find, "But you know that I love you no matter what, don't you?"
(Y/n) let a small smile grace her lips as her eyes moved from her hands to her father.
"Of course, I probably wouldn't be here if you didn't, considering the young master didn't seem to like me very much in the beginning."

That was no lie. The Earl Ciel Phantomhive didn't at all like the idea of a second demon in the household, he found it far too troublesome and nearly forced Sebastian to disown his daughter. But when (Y/n) presented him with her elegance and skill, he became less reluctant, and now seemed to favor her of all servants. Strange but...she didn't mind the perks that came of being the favorite.

"Yet now he seems to favor you of all of us. Children can be so indecisive, it certainly makes my life rather difficult," Sebastian sighed, having finished pulling all of the little splinters he could find from the girl's skin, now cleaning it once more before beginning to apply band-aids.
"That's what you get for making a contract with a brat, father," (Y/n) teased, the man chuckling softly as he continued to wrap band-aids around her fingers.
"Don't let him hear you say that, or next thing you know you'll have a few darts and a tea cup hurtling toward you," Sebastian jested as he applied the last band-aid, the father and daughter sharing a short burst of laughter before he packed up the small amount of medical equipment.

"Now, you best begin your evening chores, dear. Help Mey-rin with the washing, and remember to hang your gloves out this time," He said as he pushed the hair away from (Y/n)'s forehead before leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to the space above her eyes, "Daddy loves you, kitten. Now off you go."
(Y/n) smiled sweetly as she stood up, kissed her hand and then placed it upon her father's head, letting it 'sink in' before she took her hand back and began out, ready to begin her evening chores as per usual.

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