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(Fuck you denai 🖕🏾 so I just noticed that I switched the way talking and thinking like half way through this I think well thoughts are '' and speaking is "" I'm if you get confused )

I walk up to dipper and fist bump him and walk inside the rest follow lee said 'good call,inviting this little maniac' 'your new name is Dr.  funtimes'.

everyone gives a response to dipper as they walk past 'do you guys really think it's haunted' ' maybe I mean you never know' ' nah' Thompson are you kidding me' we all start to check out the place it was me ,Wendy, dipper, and Robbie the others went there own way.

'Oh man it's even creepier then I imagined' Mabel wipes her finger on the change slot and licks it 'yep it's dust' ' hey Mabel let's not lick any thing else while we're here ok' I said 'ok' she then walks off some where else 'guys check it out do you think they still work' Wendy said pointing to a light switch she flips all of then and the store comes to life 'so what do we do now' ' what ever we want Lil bro whatever we want' we then have a food fight (I honestly don't know what they are throwing) lee and Nate are hitting each other with old cat food we all drank pit cola

Wendy, dipper, and I are sitting on top of a shelf eating ice cream Nate yells to Thompson ' hey come here we go it ready' ' whatever it is I'll do it' Wendy laughs ' Thompson' 'y/n dipper this this night is legendary' 'really' 'yea what he said' 'just look around the guys are bonding' Nate and Robbie are putting ice in Thompson's pants 'I've never even seen tambry look up from her phone this long' she looks and at me "i don't like the way she looks at me" 'and your sister seems to be going nuts with that smile dip

'you know dipper. I wasn't sure if you could hang with our crew at first, but your surprisingly mature for you age' 'yes yes I am' "lies all fake" 'hey guys we need more ice' ' I'm on it' dipper runs to go get more ice dipper opens the door and grabs the ice and looks up to a cooler monster staring at him he screams everyone but Mabel comes to see what is wrong ' I heard a lady scream' 'you freaking out kid' ' don't call him kid' but yea are you ok dip' I said he looks Nervous then distracts everyone but me to dance pants revolution ' you sure you are ok' he said yea and told me not to worry so I go join the others but keep a eye on him

Robbie calls us over to the front counter behind the counter is the chalk out lines of the dead owners " whoa then the rumors are true " " dude dare you to lie down in it " "good idea ( Nate elbows lee )go lie down in it " "haha I'm a dead body look" lee said as he walks over to the chalk lines just as he is about to step on the chalk outline dipper yells " wait maybe let's not do that" " you know that sound like a good idea" "these guys are scared" "never scared" ( please someone get this reference)" all I'm saying is why tempt the fates I mean what if this place really is ....haunted" " makes sense to me I agree with dipper on this one"

Everyone boos dipper and I  " just take it down a notch captain buzzkills" " I will literally give you real black eyeshadow" Robbie backs away from me a little " but I thought I was Dr. Funtimes" " well you're like-"  "what did I say" I say as I step closer to him but every still agrees even Wendy I pat dipper on the back as he looks down then Tambry said " status update trapped in store with insane 9 year old" " I'm not a 9 year old 1m 13 technically a teen" dipper said as he lays down in the chalk outline

The chalk outline stars to glow and everything around us starts to freak out " well now we have to fight ghost thanks for the Peer pressure Tambry "  she then disappears " don't feel bad" dipper then picks up her phone "status update ahhhhhh" she then appears on the tv she runs toward the screen and bangs on it every one screams

"Tambry " "can you hear us" "what are we supposed to do " " not die" " i don't know man I don't know " let's just go already" "and leave Tambry no" "Thompson " "wait I almost got the high score" " ok I'm fine with leaving him" then Thomson disappears " I'm still not sorry" he then is gets trapped in the dance game while the arrows hit him  " Thompson! " " forget him let's go" " only time I will ever agree with you Robbie "  the doors then shut and lock "what the guys it's locked " "out of my way" Robbie picks up the register and throws it at the door and it disappears before it hits the door "everyone wait whatever is doing this has to have some kind of reason " dipper said as he pulls out the Journal " maybe if we could just figure out what it is then they'll let us out" Robbie the come back " ooh they'll let us out of here yeah that makes a lot of sense" "i don't know guys maybe he s got a point" " yeah how but you listen for once" " yeah right I'm sure the ghost just wants to talk about it's feelings" then Lee disappears " yeah that one was kinda his fault" Wendy then hit my arm he then appeared on a cereal box and gets stab by a spoon " lee! Okay okay I'm with you kid one hundred percent man

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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