"Huh? Oh! Yeah I'm ok I'm just looking through the cameras to check were the rest are now, it seems that Axel and demyx team are going to be here soon." Yuki pointed out as he look up to see them in the distance coming to them as the power was now at 100% they can see the what's up ahead of them then seeing in the dark.

The two teams got there and went to the others and gave each other hugs and telling them what they found. Verts team and Yuki were surprised of what Axel team found as Axel was geeking out about it and that xigbar geeking out asking him about the zords there if they were really there. Demyx and luxord was happy as well of what Axel said. Yuki and mickey just sighed as well of verts team knowing the Axel and the rest of the organization members loves the power rangers series.

( heads up the organization members I'm referring to are the ones that Yuki family are now. Sorry if this confuses you.)

While they were still geeking the rest of the family return and told everyone what each team what's they found shrahkio was happy that there was blacksmith area that can make armor and wepons that he can use. And the rest of the organization group were geeking out with Axel.

15 minutes have passed by as Remy came by the group and said hello to each other as he brought them food. Remy made noodles for them and the smell made the family drool. They went over to remy who brought a cart as they got there own bowls of noodles they thank him and he said that there welcome and told them that he will make seconds for them and bring some fresh berries for Rosey who woke smelling the food. Marluxia notice and asked Remy to make some more for Rosey. Remy agreed and went back to the kitchen the family then sat down looking at the noodles.

"Man these look good!" Nolo said as the group agreed with him they then took there first bite out of it as soon they took their first bit the eyes widened their taste buds went skyrocket as they then continued to more of it faster

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"Man these look good!" Nolo said as the group agreed with him they then took there first bite out of it as soon they took their first bit the eyes widened their taste buds went skyrocket as they then continued to more of it faster. "OH MY GOD THIS IS SO GOOD! MY MOUTH IS LIKE IT TASTESED HEAVEN!" Zexion said as entire family agreed as well as their eyes were filled if stars from how delicious. Remy returned and gave the family seconds and a bowl for rosy who went to it a saterd to sniff it and saterd to eat it as it eyes opnenwdie and dug right into it eating like a dog does when they eat.

10 minutes haved passed and the group then decided that they should see some of the rooms, but before they did madam equistiera stared to speak to them.

"Hey there seems you guys finally found your guys base." The group was startled by the voice but calmed down hearing her voice. Mickey then responded for them.

"Yep we found it. Nolo was able to find it because we got a hit from discord. And we were able to turn power back on here."

"That good then. It's haves been a long time since I been here. Any ways I thinks you should get your rest its 10:44 a.m right now and you guys been up for a bit and you need the engey for tonight's meeting."

"Metting? What meeting?"

"The meeting with fluttershy and some of my friends. I told my friends from far away to meet here to discuss about the current events. And dont worry I will get the meeting room ready."

The group look at each other and agreed that they should get some sleep so they went to their bedrooms. The boys went in their and the girls went in theirs. They found a swicth thst can mske the room different. They found a dorm setting after they did that they saw the beds were not there snymore but instead found multiple floors of doors that had a good distinct form each other, yuki went up to one of the doors and open it and saw the room.

(This is what the rooms will look like and was going to do a MHA look but I saw this room so I went with it

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(This is what the rooms will look like and was going to do a MHA look but I saw this room so I went with it.)

"Wow! These room are big!"

The group then went in to differt rooms to sleep in. After they went in to there rooms madam equistiera sprit appeared as pony and stared to clean up the base for them sence they sleeping She used her magic to move the dust off and also moving the monitor that Yuki was using and connecting to. A bigger monitor and starting it up. After 30 minutes of fixing the control center madam equistiera then stared to contact her friends using her magic. She waited until one of here friends answered.

"Hello madam equistiera is that you? It's been a while since you called. Is it time to play again?" Said a voice that sounded like a child. Equistiera smiled cause she knew who it is.

"Hey yes it been while, but sorry I cant play right now. They are here, I found our defenders." She waited for the other voice to answer back.

"Ok I will tell the others that I can reach. And tell them to contact their friends to come as well. I will also have one of my angels to come along with me so they can help them out."

"That a good idea I will the others here on my planet. Madam equistiera then smiled."I will be seeing you soon.. Zeno."

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