Chapter 14- Kyle-

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Chapter 14- Kyle-

Okay, I have good news and bad news. First, I'll say the good news because then the bad news will make more sense.

Okay, good news. Iz- Morgan!- is kissing me. Okay, it's not good news... It's amazing news! I can barely breathe and I was so shocked for a second that I didn't kiss back. So this means she feels the same way. She feels the same electricity, the smae spark between us. And it feels amazing at this moment. The electricty runs from my lips all the way down to my toes and back. Again, I can barely breathe.

Bad news, I think my head exploded. Why would she kiss me? Does she actually feel the same way or was she just caught up in the moment? I don't want to care at this moment but I do.

Actually, what I should be caring about is that I just pulled off her wig. I'm about to start freaking out again when she smiles into my lips. Okay, I didn't just do something that would ruin her life. Finally, she pulls away. I want to grab her back but I have to settle with holding her hand as the people around us stare. Yes, they see the Morgan Turner with some kid. I think they're as shocked as me.

I look over to Morgan and she smiles nervously. I give her hand a squeeze as she lifts up her other hand and waves to our growing audience.

"Hi," she squeaks, waving.

People gasp around us like they didn't think she could talk. Then the chatter begins.

"Morgan Turner?" I hear whispered around us. "But she's dead! Who is this? Is this really her?"

Excited shouts and disbelieving stares are shot our way. Someone pushes to the front and gives us a serious look. It's that dude from the elevator.

"Carl?" Morgan gasps. She's surprised to see the creepy dude who just stared at us in the elevator too.

"Actually, Miss Turner, it's Detective Robert Finley." He says in a British accent, holding out a badge to show us. Morgan shifts where she's halfway hidden behind me.

"It's alright Mrs. Turner. I mean you no harm. I just want to talk to you." His eyes dart around to the growing audience. "Maybe we could talk in a more private place."

Morgan gets out from behind me, almost breaking my hand she's squeezing it so hard. She nods, gulping as she starts to squeeze through the crowd. I have to push back a few over-excited people. Finally, we make it into the elevator and to her room. Getting in, I flop down onto her couch and flip on the TV. The first thing that comes up is the headline "Morgan Turner back?". Dang, these people are fast! I continue watching and they show blurry pictures apparently taken in a hurry over the crowd. One you can see me kissing Morgan with her hair covered. Then you see her with her long brown hair. Finally for a few pictures it shows us leaving. I get annoyed, clicking it off. Izzy sits stiffly beside me and I put my arm around her.

Detective Finely sits across from us, taking out a notepad. He starts firing out questions and both Morgan and I try our best to answer.

Who am I? How long have we known each other? How long have we been together? Did we organize this little thing to get money? These are some of the questions he asks. How in the world could we get money from this?

"No! Of course not! I did this so I wouldn't die!" She starts telling him the story and together, we think if a plan.


Two days later, I sit at a restaurant with my arm around Morgan. Her eyes dart around to the many undercover cops around us. These people are good. I mean really good. You can hardly tell they are whispering into something.

"Kyle. Come in, Kyle." My dad's voice fills my ear from the little speaker.

"Hey. Do you see the person?" I whisper into my microphone.

"Female with hands in pockets approaching you. Be careful. She may have a gun." My father warned.

I nod like he can see me. Then, I see her. I'm pretty sure she's the crazy stalker person. If you'd seen her, you would know. She looks crazy.

She fixes her hat to cover more of her purple and green hair. Yes, I just said purple and green hair. She sees me looking and narrows her eyes at me, coming towards us. She stops by our table, and opens her mouth to speak. I expect her voice to sound dangerous, creepy almost. I'm not expecting it when a childlike voice talks.

"Excuse me, are you Morgan Turner?" She fakes a smile.

Morgan gulps, shifting where she's just a little bit behind me.

"Yes," Morgan answers in a small voice.

"I thought you were dead!"

"No, I'm not dead. I'm the real Morgan in the flesh."

The girl starts to take one of her hands out of her pocket and I see something shiny catch the light. Without thinking, I jump on top of her as Morgan screams and a shot rings out in the restaurant. I pull the girls hands behind her back, kicking the gun away. As other men hold her down, I go make sure Morgan's okay.

"Are you okay? Where'd the bullet go?" I ask frantically, fearing she was shot.

"I'm- I'm okay." She stutters, her wide eyes looking around. She points to the wall on the other side of the restaurant where the bullet is lodged. She wraps her arms around my neck, almost squeezing the life out of me. I hug her back.

It's over. She's safe.


Okay, the last chapter should be out soon:) I wrote this with REALLY bad writers block so sorry if its terrible:/

How To Fake Your Own DeathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora