Chapter 11- Morgan-

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Chapter 11- Izzy-

As soon as the boys leave, I grab the book Kyle gave me. It's called The Chase and it looks old and worn, like it's been read many times. I flip through the pages, trying to remember the last time I read something this long. Had to be a year or two before I died. I flop down onto the couch, opening to the first page. 

'Kate didn't know what to do. Her sister, Sam, had gone missing the month before and Kate had looked everywhere. She didn't want to get the police involved, so she stayed hidden. The evidence led to nothing and she was stumped. Who could have taken her sweet 10-year-old sister? Well, she has one guess. But, catching him might catch her in the process.'

My eyes widen as I read the first paragraph. Questions fill my head and I'm breathless. I want to read on, but a knocking on the door stops me as I'm about to turn the page. I huff my bangs out of my eyes and get up. Who could be knocking now? I open the door and am shocked.

"Grandma?" I ask as she rushes in through the door. "What's going on?"

"Someone saw me," she murmurs, looking around the room for something. "We need to leave for now. Someone followed me."

"What?!" I scream as she rushes into her room.

"Hurry, Morgan." Grandma snaps, giving me one of her rare parental stares. 

I do as she says as I run into my room and grab my big pink purse. I throw my laptop, the book, and my phone into it. It already has a few other things in it, but I don't stop to check.

"Are you ready?" Grandma asks. I nod and gulp, almost scared.

"Where are we going?" I ask, as she runs out the door. I follow her after I lock the door.

"I'm going to try and lead him away. You go somewhere else. The coffee shop, the store, somewhere."

I press my lips together as we hop into the elevator. Carl stares at me as he presses the button for the elevator to lower us. The ride down seems to go too slow and too fast. I can't decide, but it soon opens and Grandmas drags me out. She gives me a quick peck on the cheek as she walks out the door into the frosty air. I shiver and pull my scarf tighter. For a second, I stand there, wondering where I can go. I don't want to go to the coffee shop and be alone again. It seems even shopping couldn't cheer me up right now. The only thing that seems to come to my mind is Kyle's face. In that second, I know where I'm going.

I brace myself as I step outside. I feel just a bit better, hearing the normal traffic and people of the city. But, a specific car seems to catch my attention. It's black with tinted windows. If I look hard enough, I can see a man just sitting inside, looking around. I continue to stare at him as his face turns my way. I choke on the air as my eyes meet his pale blue ones. It's Kyle. He cocks his head to the side, still staring at me as if he's never laid eyes on me before. My heart seems to be in my throat and it hurts. Then it seems to wash over me. It's not Kyle. It's an older version of Kyle. His hair is a lighter tone of black and his face seems older, more manly. It's his father.

I continue to walk, pretending the sight of him didn't shock me. Instead of getting a taxi or taking my own car, I continue to walk. I can hide better without my bright pink car. So I continue to walk as fast as I can towards my destination. Kyle's house.


An hour later, I continue to look for his house. The map on my phone has taken me all over. Finally I see his street. My clothes are dirty because every time a car comes by, I jump behind a bush. The sun is starting to go down so I walk faster. I'm almost there where rain starts drizzling down onto my face.

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