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We arrived at...


Baekhyun:yep,let's go...

He said while dragging me with him

I sat to the clean grass while he's approaching he have picnic basket

Yoo-ra: aigoo...you should have told me earlier that we're going in park

I said pinching his nose


He said and pinch my cheeks

We sat and talk and yeah have a little conversation and then he dragged me again to his car and went somewhere again in the...

Yoo-ra:Gyeongbokgung Palace?Jinja?

I said while looking at him

Baekhyun:what? Let's go!

He again dragged me inside the palace

We explore the place and it was amazing!

A few hours of exploring we were tired so we drove off to a restaurant,it was lunch time now

A few minutes the waiter came and asked our orders

Baekhyun: Yoo-ra-ssi what do you want?

Yoo-ra:umm...pizza, chocolate cake and yeah,tea

Baekhyun:okay,we will order Hawaiian Pizza,Chocolate cake,and tea,thank you

He said and the waiter walks away

Baekhyun:are you sure you only wants to eat those?

Yoo-ra:yah! Do you want me to be fat?

I said and pouted

Baekhyun:aigoo,aniyo,I just want my princess to eat fine

You blushes when he said princess

Baekhyun:you look cute when you blush

He said and pinch my cheeks

Yoo-ra:Aish I w-wasn't!

Baekhyun:uwu...you look cute when your angry

He said and pinch my cheeks again. Aish Byun Baekhyun stop that! I'm going to faint is your keep doing that!

A few minutes later our order came. Finally! Food!

When we're finished eating we walk to the cashier to pay

Yoo-ra:I'll pay

Baekhyun:aniyo,I will

Yoo-ra:b-but,you always treat me,even yesterday...

Baekhyun: kwenchana

He said and give the cashier his card and we went to his car again...

After the day we've gone into a lot places such as

Seoul Tower,lighthouses,and even Forests

MARRIED TO MY BEST FRIEND/COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now