Train ride to Hogwarts

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Silence is an answer too.

"Hey Lee!" Fred and George said as their friend walked into their compartment. The two seemed to ignore the argument between the ex-potter twins, Theo and Pansy.

"Hi, Fred and George." Lee replied as he sat between the two, "What's going on with them?"

"They're arguing whether or not Holly, Alice, Sirius and Remus were acting strange on the platform." The two said in unison, but left out the vision Harry and Leah saw.

"Who's winning?" Lee asked.

"Harry and-" Fred started their twin talk.

"Leah." George finished it.

"Alright." Lee said, as the three then began to speak about more pranks.

"So if we-" Fred told Lee as he already told the plan to George, but before he could finish his sentence he was interrupted.

"YOU MUST BE CLEARLY SEEING THINGS THEN, LIKE A LUNATIC!" Pansy yelled at the two, immediately covering her mouth. "I- I didn't mean that, Merlin's beard I'm so sorry."

"It's fine, we're just Lunatics, could be worse." Harry smiled at her, forgiving her immediately, even if he didn't completely trust himself to say the words he wanted to say to Pansy. "Lunatics sounds like a a cool band name or somethin'."

"I'm still sorry." Pansy muttered.

"It's fine, Pansy. Don't worry about it." Leah lied.

"Alright." Pansy replied, still not meeting anyone's eyes.

"So pranks! People, pranks!" George and Fred shouted trying to get rid of the sudden awkwardness.

"Hell yeah!" Theo shouted back, laughter filled the compartment as they talked about the pranks. Yet they forgot the thing that was most important, they forgot what they were supposed to do, supposed to talk about but what exactly was it they have already forgotten?

"Hogwarts!" Ron shouted and pointed to the castle up ahead, barely just visible. They watched as the train came closer to the station, ready to get off the train and head back to Hogwarts.

Waving goodbye to the twins and Lee, as they joined the second years and the others joined the first-years
to go back to Hogwarts.

A place that is known as the safest place to be, what a lie.

Yet no child, no teenager nor adult knows what lays deep below. Hidden, or out of reach. Nor do they know what is high and unfindable.

Nor do they know the twinkle in the eyes of an enemy

Dear heart,
Please stop getting yourself in everything, your job is to pump blood that's it.


Finally done the next chapter(really need to work on updating more often)

Also, Happy pride month! Pride month is the best(for me) it's a shame that no one can go to pride parades. But we can still stand strong and fight for justice online or just changing people's views on LGBTQ+ somehow.

The LGBTQ+ community has been here for centuries and it will never stop fighting for what's right. From hiding ourselves in shadows, from being accepted, from being hated, from just not giving up.

People have died (THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE DO!) For fighting for the freedom in some countries. But yet still there are many countries where it is illegal to be Lgbtq+. We have come such a far way yet we are not finished.

We will fight, we will stand, we will not lose hope, we will celebrate our existence, we will wear our pride flags proudly, we will respect eachother.

Do not let tell people tell you don't belong in the lgbtq+ community (Unless your straight, sorry but your not. If your a decent human that has brains then you are an ally) you are valid.

Happy Pride Month

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Have a goodnight/day.

Stay safe

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