chapter 4

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"you've dreamed of cutting Bakugou's hands off?" Shigaraki sounded...proud?

"Yes, but that was when he blew up my notebook."

Galaxii quieted them down.
"Next one is a little sad, okay? Izuku, do you wanna go or stay here?"

Izuku chose to stay with his friends.

"There is a way you can get a quirk," Bakugou was taunting Izuku after school, and holding his burnt notebook.
"Take a swan dive off of the building and pray you get one in the next life!"
He and his cronies laughed.
" Bakubro, that's not manly." Kirishima scolded the explosive teen.
Iida just did the robot arms thing and scolded everyone about suicide greats and stuff.
Izuku just shed a single tear, used to the death threats, and the suicide guidence.
Ukaraka cried, "guidence?"
Bakugou threw his notebook out the window, and walked away.

Izuku sighed. This was his life. He went down to where his notebook landed, in a pond, and thought about it.
Maybe he should...

He would when he gets home.

Izuku got home, and slammed his door, All Might posters and merchandise long gone.

He looked around for it.

He found it.

The razor fit perfectly in his hands, and it just wanted to cut something.

"No!" The class yelled at Izuku.
Izuku just stared at the screen.

One cut.

Ten cuts.



Thirty three, before he cried in pain.
The class was crying, again, but Izuku and the villians weren't.

The voice in his head screamed,
' pathetic.'

He finally stopped his blood spree, and bandaged them up, took care of them, etc.

He told his mom that he would go for a walk.

He went to Bakugou's house, climbed through the window, the one that he used to climb through when their moms wouldn't have a sleepover, and Bakugou was asleep.


He took his pocket knife, and did something he had been waiting for his entire life, since he was four.

Bakugou was dead, and Izuku became an assassin.

Happily ever after.
"Izubro, don't kill Bakubro, please?" Kirishima pleaded.
Izuku laughed, and so did the villians.
"I won't, this isn't me, remember? Okay, Galaxii, next one please, can it be happy?"
Galaxii put their finger to their chin, like Asui.
"I think there are a couple of happy ones... Most of them are sad or really violent, but I'll show some ships next!"
They disappeared.

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