1: Who Goes There?

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I know you guys have been waiting (thankfully not in Azkaban) for this, so here we go. Enjoy!

Summary: Sirius has made it to Hogwarts. Now to find Peter...

The cool air swept over Sirius, ruffling his fur. He took a deep breath, allowing himself to enjoy the taste of freedom for at least a moment. It had been twelve years since Sirius last remembered not waking up feeling like he had turned to ice. He raised his head and looked around. Everything looked the same as when he had attended Hogwarts, yet he scarcely recognized himself.

At least Harry was okay. His godson had been sitting alone in the dark with nothing but his own trunk for company when Sirius found him. Although he had known Harry would have found out about him by now, Sirius hadn't been able to help creeping out to take a closer look, drinking in the sight of the boy that looked so much like James — and then the Knight Bus had come crashing through, making him bolt back into the bushes. When he had dared to turn back, Harry and the Knight Bus were gone.

Now Sirius paced the shore, his mind whirling. He had made it to Hogwarts, but now he didn't know what to do. How the hell was he supposed to get Peter? Breaking out of Azkaban had been difficult enough as it was.

His ears pricked at the sound of footsteps and he moved to run, but then a voice spoke.

"Wait. Don't go."

It was Harry. Sirius turned, his tail flicking from side to side. During those few seconds their eyes had met before the Knight Bus came, Harry had looked wary, wand held out in front of him in case he had to defend himself.

But this time there was something else in his eyes, curiosity. He squatted down, one arm tentatively extended.

"You hungry?"

Sirius then noticed the piece of roast beef in his hand. He approached slowly, even though his roaring stomach was telling him to run up and gobble it whole.

Harry smiled as he took it and began eating. "You're not all that bad," he said. "For a Grim, anyway."

Sirius barked, pleased.

Harry laughed. Then he looked around warily. "I can't stay out here long. Ron's already worried enough as it is, especially after Divination."

Sirius let out a huff. His godson was taking Divination? And he bet it was still taught by Sybil Trelawney.

Harry grinned. "Yeah, Hermione thinks it's rubbish, too. But I can understand why Ron's worried. I mean, his uncle died a day after he saw one. And with Sirius Black after me — for... for whatever reason — someone's got to look out for me, I suppose."

So he didn't know who Sirius was in relations to him. That was interesting; Sirius would have expected Professor Dumbledore or McGonagall to tell him. Were they trying to protect him by leaving him in the dark? What good would that do? He was bound to find out eventually, and it would end badly, especially since he was a wanted criminal by the Ministry.

But even if he did get his name cleared, would Harry even want anything to do with him after so many years?

Harry had started to stand. "I'll see you around, I guess. Next time, I'll bring you some more food, okay?"

Sirius pricked his ears, tail lashing.

"I'll take that as a yes. Good-bye." He gave Sirius one last scratch before leaving.

Sirius watched him go. He had learned a couple things about his godson already: he had friends named Ron and Hermione and he was taking Divination. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad waiting for Peter after all.

So... was the wait worth it?

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