III • The Great Pyramid

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Shat's cheeks flushed. He turned around and continued to walk, but not that fast this time. Ankhsen followed him, her hand still on his shoulder. She couldn't stop noticing how he looked a beautiful promise all shirtless and wearing that blue shendyt — a long skirt — draping in the wind.

"So, hum..." he started, wanting to convey an apologetic tone in his voice, showing he was ok — although he'd never admit it. "You created this intelligent astral golem, but how did it go evil? Wasn't it under your command? And why does it look like you?"

The pyramids grew closer when they reached the top of the last dune. They soon headed to the biggest of all in the centre.

"I was doing an experiment," she told him, the regret trying to eat her voice uninterruptedly. "The old rituals tell that a mystic must feed the astral golem with psychic energy until a certain limit. Or else, well, it could become intelligent enough to question its submission."

"So you knew it was risky? For the Anubis balance, why would you do that?"

"All I do is for the protection of the pharaoh Amenhotep and the prosperity of our kingdom. One day you will understand that a High Priest must be self confident enough to take certain risks when necessary. In my position, I cannot allow myself to be eaten by doubts on my judgement or abilities. Do you understand, Shat? Shat? Shat!"

The acolyte suddenly fell on the sand as if his legs had become invertebrate. The priestess put her hand on his forehead trying to reanimate him with her personal energy, which worked after a while. He opened his eyes, a feverish smile drawn from his lips. He then sat on the sand, touching his head.

"My apologies, master. I should have told you. Since I woke up, I've been feeling... dizzy. I don't know why. Sometimes it's like the weight of my body... it seems different. Would it be that the servant wounded me for real in the astral realm?"

"I know not, my pupil. I also feel somehow dizzy, but it's not as intensely as you. The monster also met me before I woke up. My memory is foggy like in the rare days of rain near the Nile. I believe the creature has done something to both of us. In your case, she may have drained your ka. That's why you felt better after I shared my ka with you."

After Ankhsen helped Shat to stand up, they ran until they finally met the biggest structure on Earth by that time. Before the mystics, hundreds of metres of stone blocks the size of a man in a majestic attempt to reach the skies. The triangular shape representing the perfection of the sacred geometry that the Egyptians knew so well. Soon they approached to the entrance: a rectangular arch with two pillars inside, each one beside the giant archway.

"Where are the guards?" inquired the apprentice, looking around. "I've been told the pyramids were guarded all day and night."

"They should be. This is no good. We must hurry, Shat!" she said before sprinting to the entrance. "The golem must be already in the Sacred Chamber!"

The Astral Golem • Fantasy Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now