He's been teaching me some techniques which I've improved. Father fired him then with the remaining time he trained me. Me and my quirk. Instead of the usual beating, me fighting back was added. He pretends that its for training but its just his excuse to let out all his anger out, after all he is a man consumed by pride, greed and anger.

When I was 9 we left mother mother in japan. I thought that I could finally meet her in the hospital. Me and dad couldn't visit her because dad caused this and since my left side reminded me of him...she told me I was unbearable and hard to look at.

We went to America for some reason. We still lived in a mansion and since I now live in the US I had to learn english. So I was now Bilingual. (Ehem ehem, Bisexual) It was wierd using english. You see, when you translate japanese to english it's like the whole sentence will be reversed. Also, I had to get used to reading english and that their way of writing is left to right and not like how japanese do it, from the top to the bottom.

It was nothing I couldn't do though. I watched movies, taught myself and tried looking for a reading material about learning english. I did all that in the private plane. It was wierd and kinda hard but I just reverse every sentence. After a 12 hour flight we arrived. I never felt so lonely in my whole life. Yes some bodyguards, helpers and my dad was there...but I was lonely.

The whole ride I was quiet. I was just making sketches in my notebook and listening to music. I was made to wear 'classy' and expensive clothes. After a while we landed and people were outside. There were many people with cameras and a red carpet was being prepared from outside the plane. A girl went up to me and checked my face. "Okay, you're make up's still fine" she said.

I was about to touch the place where my scar was supposed to be but was stopped by the girl. I sighed and gave my blank face. Father stood up and motioned for me to get off the plane. I miss fuyumi and natsuo, especially touya, he already left when I wass 7.... he never came back after his 'practice' he never said anything to me.

The doors rolled down creating stairs for us then I nervously stepped down along with father. He went down first and I stood behind him, using his big frame to cover myself from the people. Flashes of light were emitted by the people and now I was so scared. I felt the eyes on me and I was so nervous.

I turned the music louder and I only heard muffled talking which kept me from having a panic attack. Dad then tapped at me shoulder and said "Remove those things, don't be rude boy" he spoke. I gulped then nodded. I took out the airpods and put it in the case. I took out my phone and turned off the blue tooth and data. I looked up and I heard a reporter say

"Today we have endeavor and his son arriving here at the airport. Endeavor the number 2 hero of Japan has just arrived." She repeated

I sighed and looked around. The helpers were placing our stuff on a black vehicle and I entered the car along with father. The trip was silent until father broke the ice and said "You'll be attending school next week, you better behave. If you don't...you'll know what'll happen" he said grimly.

I just said in a monotonouse voice "Thank you for allowing me to participating in school" I said and kept quiet. I put back my headset and looked at the window. I hope It's better here. I sighed and waited to arrive in the new mansion.

It's been a few days. I was with my bodyguards while going through the malls. "I can't believe I'm going to buy my own stuff when I never went to school before! I don't even know what to take?" I say to myself. But dad give me a new credit card for myself. I walk around and I could feel many people looking at me. This is so nerve racking!

I enter a store that says "Bookstore" and found alot of stationary items. I bought alot of notebooks, pens, markers, a set of proffesional pencils, He gave me the credit card, I'm not gonna waste this opportunity. I also bought a few canvas just in case and a set of acrylic and oil paint and some new paintbrushes.

I also bought a set of highlighters, Calligraphy markers, post it notes, paper clips and paper. I found a clipboard and took it along with a stack of bond paper and water color paper.

After paying for it I went back home.

Third point of view:

Shoto was now in school. He was being talked about through the hole time he was there. He hated it. He hated the attention, all the fake people aproaching him trying to be his 'friend'. He had a hard time talking due to speech block. When he talked to teachers he responded in japanese in an instinct. He would have a hard time speaking in english on his own.

Some people made fun of his english but little did they know shoto's IQ was above anyone within the room. He also learned quick which made him fluent in english after a few hours by only listening to people's conversations. And he was also listening to english songs. When lunch came he went to the cafeteria on his own.

He sat at a table for 2 people only. He sighed and didn't eat. He didn't like how people were looking at him. So he just looked through his phone. He found a few photos of people and thought maybe he could draw them? Like he had nothing better to do so that's what he did. He took out his sketch pad and the set of pencils.

Only artists knew the use of each pencil and why there are many kinds. He drew the base first and started with the nose. He went with the eyes next then the mouth. Next was the hair and shadows. He used make up brushes for the shadows. He learned this through Masaru. A voice then erupted. "Ew, new kid's gay. Look he has make up brushes" shoto never liked being insulted nor being interupted when reading and drawing.

Shoto talked back of course "How did you what the differences are between regular brushes and make up brushes?" Shoto said in a sassy tone. "Also, what's disgusting about being part of the LGBTQ community?" He asked. "Gays are disgusting! They're a bunch pussies who just want dick!" The boy next to him spat.

"Pardon?" Shoto asked. He didn't know what the words 'pussy' nor 'dick' was. A teacher came and brought the other boys to the principal's office while the other teacher asked what happened. "I don't really know. I was just drawing and he 'insulted' me by saying I was gay since i'm using make up brushes for my sketch" I said pointing at my sketch pad. She smiled at the sketch of the happy family I few and she said "You have talent in drawing" and pat his head and left.

The rest of the day was boring since all they teached, he already knew.

Years went by and he was known as the prince of the school. He always got perfect score and when he got 1 mistake once the teachers would bombard him with questions like "Are you okay?" "Are you fine?" "What happened?" And it annoyed him. He just said everytime "Am I not human? Am I not allowed to make mistakes? You never ask that to my other classmates" shoto responded in his monotonouse voice and a resting bitch face.

P.E. was also easy for him since his stamina was built better than any kid his age. Art was his favorite and he would never settle for boring stuff. He liked color but through the years... he started using only black, white, grey and few bright colors. He was really bored through the years. No one dared to talk to him or even be his friends. He always had this beautiful yet dark aura. Like there were walla around him.

His life became dull....eyes weren't as colorful than before. The only thing that kept him from living was his need to see his mother one last time.
Since he was always alone he developed a voice in his. That voice was always negative but he kept him company. That was his anxiety. He also developed depression since his father made him that way. Alomg with those were PTSD and OCD.

OCD because if his room was messt his father would beat him up. He gained the mentality that he MUST keep his stuff in place. The OCD affected his art. He had a hard time accepting art as a free and breathable space anymore. He only wanted perfection and nothing less.
That's when his life and anything that made him happy turned dull.

Word Count: 2298

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