The Search

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Hello again!

If you've made it to here, you probably saw that I am in need of two-three fellow book lovers to help me with my reviews! Now you may be asking yourself, "What's in it for me?". Well, to be honest, I can't offer much, but I have something!

If you are to "apply", I would like to offer your account name permanently in the bio of my personal account, tags in the introduction (which is almost always the most read section), and each review you do- you will of course receive full credit with dedication of the upload to you! Hosting the book review as a team allows for me to concentrate more deeply on improving both my own writing skills but also helping others.

Now, if that's not enough,...just try to remember all the good you could be doing in helping out fellow writers!

If you are interested in one of these positions, please message me personally the following:

Your name (or account name)-

How many books/novels do you have published (if any)?-

Are you okay critiquing others when needed? -

Do you have access to email so we can better communicate, and share google docs (preferably) with each other? -

Can you share a small bio of yourself so I can share with our writers trusting you with their work? (Such as preferred genres, what you look for in novels etc) -

With the one above it may help me categorize books into what is assigned to you! I would prefer a similar format to the review as to what you will see going forward with my own reviews.

And most importantly! Let me know if there are any genres/subjects you are uncomfortable or sensitive to! I am more than happy to assign you specific books that may avoid those things. 

I'm open to practically all genres, I'm not bothered by gore, smut, twisted and cruel- you name it! I'm LGBT+ friendly. The one thing I may refuse to read are fanfictions that have heavy references and ties to other books/shows/movies- solely because I'm not always educated on them. But if there is a fandom that you are familiar with, please let me know so I can include them!

Thank you! I look forward to hearing from some of you!

Book Reviews: For Those In Need Of An Outsiders OpinionWhere stories live. Discover now