Chapter 9

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Michaela's P.O.V

There wasn't much to do in Christmastown, but since I had Josh with me once again, we went out to celebrate last night. They had a cute little coffee shop/bakery that we were at last night.

Nick and Dove were being all cute together, as always, helping the elves decorate the tree. It was cute, he was taller than her, so when she needed to reach tall places or in this case, put things on the tree on tall branches, she just passes the ornaments to him and he reaches down and kisses her. He really really loves Christmas, that's one of the many things we have in common. They both were wearing their Christmas sweaters, they surprised each other last year and made each other personalized Christmas sweaters. I admire their relationship, although I'm glad I have what I have with Josh.

We were sitting at one of the tables enjoying our drinks, the elves could really make drinks. I had this really delicious candy cane hot chocolate and Josh had a tall peppermint mocha chino. Him and his fancy drinks. I loved the atmosphere here, everyone so happy and jolly.

"So, how are things?" Josh asked me.

"Good." I replied, I don't know why, but things seemed awkward now.

"Why are things so weird?" I asked him.

"I don't know. I just feel this weird feeling." He replied. "Can we just stop?" He asked.

"Stop? What do you mean?" I asked, with a tiny bit of fear.

"I mean, stop, and start over." He replied. "Hi, I'm Josh." He said, with a big smile.

"Hey, I'm Michaela." I said.

"Mikayla?" He questioned, I could tell by the look he was giving me that he was messing with me.

"It's Michaela, (story of my life)" I replied, with a giggle.

He started laughing and reached for my hand, I knew no matter how weird things got sometimes. He was always mine, you don't have to be perfect and be finishing each other's sentences and always that perfect relationship. A perfect relationship is how you feel about each other when your together, not so much in the conversation or gestures you do.

"I think I'm in love." He said, as he moved over to sit next to me, squishing onto my chair.

"I know that I love you." I said, as I leaned in for a kiss.

"Oh, just shut up and kiss me you." He said, as he gave me a big slobbery doggy kiss.

I just wiped my face, and laughed as I gave him a hug.

~Alexis's P.O.V~

I sat in the coffee shop for a bit, but I just, just missed Matt so much. I couldn't handle it. Around me was a cute coffee shop decorated in red and green, beautiful warm fireplace and everyone so happy and joyful. I looked around and seen Michaela and Josh, having a great time together, and Nick and Dove being like they always are so cute and in sync.

I just had to go outside, I needed some alone time. Time to think. I heard the door open, and it was Dove. She looked over and seen me sitting by myself on the bench outside of the door.

"Are you ok?" She asked, as she came and sat next to me.

"I'm fine." I replied. I hadn't really gotten to know her that much. I mean she was my best friends wife.

"No, your not sweetie. I can tell something's up. You can talk, I will listen. I know you do a lot of that yourself, sometimes you need someone else to take a turn." She said.

I didn't know what to think. I mean she is right. So I just started to talk.

"I don't know, I feel so out of place.
Especially now, that I am the only one without my boyfriend. I feel so left out, with Michaela and Josh, and you and Nick. I just need Matt back." I explained.

This was a first, but I just couldn't hold it in any more. I started to cry, Dove comforted me, she was my shoulder to cry into.

"It's ok, I know it's not looking up right now. But although you feel left out your not." She said, as she wiped the tears from my eyes. "You are a strong, and amazing person. Matt may not be here for you right now, but we are all for sure." She added, with a smile. Dove had a beautiful smile.

"I know, but I feel so vulnerable. I don't know what to say, or think or do to feel any better." I said.

She looked me in the eyes, and grabbed my hands. "You have all of us here for you, you shouldn't feel any different. Sure you miss Matt, but we will get him back. I know so." She said.

I brightened up a bit, and gave her a hug.

"Thank you." I said.

"Anytime. Now what do you say, we go back inside? I think they are just about to light the tree." She suggested, as she stood and extended her hand out to me.

I took her hand, and we went back inside. Everyone was sitting around the fire, as we joined them. We sat next to Nick and he just smiled and gave me a hug.

"Ok, we will now light the Christmas tree. If you would do the honours?" The elf asked, as Nick got up to light the tree.

He placed the angel on top and plugged it in. The tree was magnificent, so many decorations and ornaments, it had a beautiful selection of coloured lights flashing elegantly. The fireplace and Christmas tree setting made it for a super cozy feel.

We sat around the fire for a few more hours. Michaela and Josh still catching up and chatting, Nick sitting up and Dove laying up against him, her head rested on his shoulder. I miss Matt, but I did get to really know Dove, and I can say, I honestly love her as a friend and person. She is a nice, thoughtful, kind, considerate person. I'm glad she came into our lives and I'm glad my best friend could find someone as great as her. I can already imagine when she has the twins, he will be so happy. He just loves kids, a little too much, but he's gonna make a great dad, and they both will be excellent parents.

Each and every day, I will fight to make sure I have Matt back by my side.

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