Chapter 4

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Alyssa's P.O.V

I used to be a fairy for Galatea academy. But now, I'm a rebel fairy, I can't go back. I won't. They all betrayed me, I was a senior fairy and as soon as someone else came along they threw me aside.

"Well! Has that spell started to take effect!?!" He asked me.

"It's almost ready." I replied. "Just a few more drops... And it's done." I said.

"Excellent." He said ominously.

"Spell of control, go! Inhabit what you can, take over those who betrayed us!" I instructed as I cast the spell and watched as it dispersed into the sky.

We will attack Galatea academy tomorrow. That school will pay!
Nick's P.O.V

This morning was a nice quiet morning until there was a knock on our door. It was a group of students.

"Come outside! It's snowing in Magix!" They all cheered.

"It is! We will be right down. Where to the courtyard?" Michaela asked them.

I just sat on the couch watching tv, sipping my tea. She turned around and she told me the news. Her and I have this tiny obsession with winter and snow and Christmas. It's nothing too big.

"That's amazing. Let's get everyone up and go!" I said.

Alexis's door opened up and she stared at us with a tired and annoyed look.

"What's going on?" She asked us, as she rubbed her eyes.

"It's snowing!" Michaela cheered.

"Ok, I'll be out in a minute." She replied.

Alexis wasn't a morning person, especially this early.

I snuck into my room and Dove was just waking up.

"Look outside my darling." I said to her, sitting on the side of the bed.

"Is that snow?" She asked me.

"It is. Lets get up and go outside, miss F wanted to see us all. A group of excited students came down and told us." I replied.

"Ooh!" She moaned.

"Are you ok? What's wrong?" I asked.

"The babies kicked. I guess two of them together is a lot more force than just one." She replied.

"They must be excited for the snow too." I joked, as I kissed her.

We all got ready and headed down to the courtyard. Everyone was gathered outside happily enjoying the snow.

"Good morning everyone! It's a first time in all of the Magix history, that it is snowing. It seems fitting as we come into this holiday season, but we must remain calm and continue on. I do however have a good morning breakfast for all of you, in the snow." She said, as she snapped her fingers.

A tent appeared and under it were tables filled with lots of food and drinks and Christmas sweets.

"Enjoy!" She said, as everyone rushed to sit down.

All of a sudden, we heard a crash, and a laugh as a huge dog, bear, wolf thing appeared from the sky dropping down into the courtyard.

"Everyone! Inside." Daphne instructed everyone.

Miss F ran out to see what was going on, we followed.

"What's going on here!" She questioned.

A fairy appeared, she wore a red halter top and white shorts with bright red bows on them. She had tall bright red boots on and her wings were an off heart shape. She had long dark brown, curly hair with red streaks through it. She flew and landed infront of the beast.

"Easy, not yet." She instructed it.

It bowed down and waited behind her.

"So we meet again old lady!" The fairy said.

"Alyssa! I thought you had disappeared years ago." She replied.

"I did, and I came back to show you all what I've become thanks to you!" Alyssa snarled.

"You did this to yourself when you tried to attack the magic dimension and they banished you for misusing your magic!" Miss F replied hatefully.

"Fine, have it your way! I'll just have to deal with you first!" She said angrily.

Alyssa held up her hands and recited a spell, miss F began to turn to stone and a large tree started to form around her. She became encased in the tree. All that was left of her, was her face which became petrified in the tree's base.

"What have you done to her?" I demanded.

"She betrayed me! I am showing her what it's like to be locked away!" Alyssa replied. "I'm out of here. Beast! Take care of them! I have work to do!" She demanded the beast.

"Yes my Queen!" He replied in a deep raspy voice.

She flew up into the air, she summoned a potion bottle and began to cast a spell over the Magix dimension. I looked over to Daphne, and she looked scared.

"What is she doing?" I asked Daphne.

"She's casting a spell that's seeming to brainwash or put everyone in a trans. Look at the students!!" Daphne said, as we noticed the students were becoming weak and started to fall to the ground.

We ran over to them to help them up. We shook them to wake them up, but as they opened their eyes, there eyes were pure red! Alyssa announced to them.


All of the mind controlled students got up and tried to corner us.

"Okay guys, this is getting a little crammed. Let's transform!" Alexis said.


"They're cornering us, but we can't hurt them. What do we do?" Dove asked.

"We can try to use some fairy dust on them!" Michaela said, as she flew up above the students.

She closed her eyes and summoned her fairy dust vial. She began to draw in the air with her dust, as it lowered down onto the students.

"It's no use! It won't work! My spells are resistant to fairy dust!" Alyssa laughed. "Good luck fairies!" She cackled as she flew off.

"LIGHT SPECTRUM!" I shouted, temporarily slowing them down enough to escape.

"Come on!" Daphne shouted as she waved her hands.

We ran over to her and followed her into the school and upto miss F's office.

"What are we doing here?" Alexis asked Daphne.

"I'm going to send you off, this place isn't safe for you. I'm getting records from the other Magic Worlds that Alyssa is casting her spell over the entire dimension. There is only one safe place for you." She replied.

"Where is that?" Dove asked.

"The North Pole, it has a protective barrier that prevents any kind of force other than Santa's magic." She replied.

"How will we get there?" I asked.

"You can take this portal, there are some that haven't been affected by the spells and I will be helping send them on through. You will go there and regulate a plan. I will see you soon." She said.

We passed through the portal, one by one. Daphne was so strong and brave. We will find a way to save miss F but until then, we have to listen to Daphne and go into hiding.

A Fairy's Tale 6: The Dark RevengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora